
Hannah Punitha

Hannah Punitha - MedBlogs

Total No of MedBlogs : (134)
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In this age of technology & information explosion, everyone experiences stress at some point or the other –adult, teen and even kids. Life is full of hassles, demands, deadlines and frustration...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Hannah Punitha on Fri, Mar 8, 2013   (3405)

5 tips for boost your brain power-Exam tips

Check out on these 5 tips to boost your brain power as you prepare and face the exams   1) Positive Relationships: Take some time with friends & family and talk your concerns, your joy etc...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Hannah Punitha on Thu, Feb 28, 2013   (3083)

Food for the Mind-Exam Special

A quick study of students diet requirements during exams points to four major nutrients: iron, calcium, protein and carbohydrates. They are indispensable to good academic performance.   Well...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Hannah Punitha on Thu, Feb 28, 2013   (3504)

Add Spice and Splash Love in your Marital Life

Has your marriage turned out to be full of unexpected disappointments?   Today is the day to bury your disappointments and start afresh!  Now is the time to add spice and splash love in...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Hannah Punitha on Mon, Feb 25, 2013   (3378)

Say Yes To Tomatoes

When you say "YES" to tomatoes you say "NO" to cancer, interesting isn't it? World Cancer Day 2013 (4 February 2013)  is not only an opportunity to raise our collective voices to...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Hannah Punitha on Fri, Feb 8, 2013   (3659)


Research has revealed that you can literally "WALK, TALK & LAUGH" out of your stress & worries. BEATING STRESS IS NOW JUST A WALK IN THE PARK, WHY? Medical studies have revealed that walking not ...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Hannah Punitha on Thu, Feb 7, 2013   (3312)

Six health advantages of eating oatmeal for breakfast

Kick start your day with a bowl of oatmeal . You may ask why, here are the top six reasons, The American Cancer Society Press release says thus   1. The phytochemicals foun...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Hannah Punitha on Tue, May 4, 2010   (7856)

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) Compliance in India

What is extremely popular today?   Outsourcing healthcare services to India of course!   What are the Concerns?    Data security   Adhering ...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Hannah Punitha on Thu, Mar 18, 2010   (2557)

Health insurance costs will rise soon!

Health insurance companies have proposed to increase the costs of health insurance with the government determined to enforce service tax on payments made by insurance companies to hospitals where pol...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Hannah Punitha on Thu, Mar 11, 2010   (2261)

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