5 tips for boost your brain power-Exam tips

Posted by Hannah Punitha on Thu, Feb 28, 2013  
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Check out on these 5 tips to boost your brain power as you prepare and face the exams


1) Positive Relationships: Take some time with friends & family and talk your concerns, your joy etc. A study among a group of Americans proposes that positive and encouraging relationships protects memory loss.


2) Pleasant Conversations: Indulging in pleasant conversations like just saying, hey mom exams were pretty tough but I could do well. Some of my friends found it tough etc. By the by your sambar is really yummy today. A quick chat improves cognitive functions. Even simple conversations improve skills like memory and brain’s ability to block distractions.


3. Laughter: Research suggests that laughing encourages people to think more creatively. Gosh, the brain really acts funny when we laugh. A simple hearty laugh may be the key to solving a tough maths problem or even creative ways of presenting the answer. Watch tom & jerry or any comedy for just a few minutes or just share jokes with your study mates or family and go on with your preparation. It simply works!


4. Listening to Music While Exercising:  Studies suggest that listening to classical music can improve mental processing and linguistic capabilities.


A good way to work the brain and the muscles isn’t it? Is that music to your ears? It surely helps. A 15-20 minutes of good work out or brisk walking or listening to music peps up your latent capabilities of mental processing and linguistic abilities. Just do it!


5. Power Naps: Some scientists say that power naps may be the right solution for students or professionals to stay focused. How long the nap should last? One study says that naps that last even a few minutes can boost your alertness and another study suggests that young adults who napped for 90 minutes showed significant increase in memory. Oh! That’s great isn’t it? Just do it!


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