How Music Impacts Children
For centuries, music has been a solace to thousands of people. Music has had a significant place in millions of lives. Many musicians have impacted the society in a great way. Be it the piano, guitar...Read More
Posted by aruna75 on Thu, Oct 29, 2009 (4338)
Health Care During Rainy Season
During this rainy season we are bound to get some air borne and water borne diseases. Waterborne diseases could be dysentry, cholera, typhoid etc. Air borne diseases could be cold, asthma, arthritis,...Read More
Posted by aruna75 on Mon, Nov 9, 2009 (7216)
Preventing Children From Diarrhea
Diarrhea is a gastrointestinal disease and second greatest killer of children. Diarrhea kills more children than AIDS, measles and malaria combined. Diarrhea is common among children under five years...Read More
Posted by aruna75 on Thu, Nov 5, 2009 (4656)