
Hannah Punitha

Hannah Punitha - MedBlogs

Total No of MedBlogs : (134)
page 14 of 14

Health Insurance Glossary (4) - INDIA - continued

Personal Accident Policy Personal Accident Policies are issued as fixed benefit policies whereby specified sums are paid on the occurrence of specified events. These events could be death or disab...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Hannah Punitha on Sat, Dec 19, 2009   (3635)

Health Insurance Glossary (3) - INDIA - continued

Insurance Insurance is a contract in which an individual or entity, pays the insurance company in return for the insurance company bearing the risk of loss against specified conditions. The indivi...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Hannah Punitha on Sat, Dec 19, 2009   (3526)

Health Insurance Glossary (2) -INDIA - continued

Disability Insurance Disability insurance is a form of insurance that pays a monthly income to the insured when he suffers from total or partial disability. This disability could have been caused ...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Hannah Punitha on Sat, Dec 19, 2009   (3770)

Health Insurance Glossary (1) - INDIA

Agent An agent is appointed by the insurer to conduct business on behalf of the insurance company. An agent must hold a license issued by the IRDA.   Claim The process of applying to...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Hannah Punitha on Sat, Dec 19, 2009   (3376)

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