Enjoy Gorgeous Hair With a Black Tea Rinse!

Posted by Hannah Punitha on Mon, Oct 14, 2013  
No of Views(5719)


Tea is an amazing beauty aid be it soothing tired eyes or adding lustre and bounce to your hair.
Your hair can be damaged by the following factors
Harsh brushing & too uh brushing
Extreme heat due to blow drying,straightening etc
Your diet
UV damage due to the sun
Using black tea on hair would allow increased blood flow around the scalp and promote hair growth from the follicles.
Black tea contains a substance called Catechin (highest concentrations found in Green tea), which allow a greater flow of blood by relaxing the  blood vessels.
One more way that black tea can help you keep your hair from damage is that it can stop the forming of DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) which is the primary factor in male and female pattern baldness. 
You can help prevent the DHT hormone from binding to the hair follicles by using the black tea rinse on your hair. This will help to prevent:
Premature hair loss
Loss of shine
Easy damage
Colour loss 
How to apply the black tea rinse to your hair?
Follow these simple steps and prevent hair loss
It’s really simple and it takes only a few minutes to apply and leaves no mess.
1 cup hot water and 3 cups cold water(1:3)
Place the tea bag(s) into the cup.
Allow the tea bag(s) to steep for a few minutes. Once the water has become dark brown, take the tea bags out of the cup and gently massage the tea decoction into the scalp as this prevents dandruff.
Leave for at least half an hour (30 minutes).
Allow to dry 
Repeat the process if necessary.
Wash off with regular shampoo and conditioner.
The black tea rinse… is done.Reduces hair breakage and stimulates hair growth.


Tea is an amazing beauty aid be it soothing tired eyes or adding lustre and bounce to your hair.


Your hair can be damaged by the following factors-


* Stress


* Harsh brushing & too much brushing


* Extreme heat due to blow drying,straightening etc


* Your diet


* UV damage due to the sun


Using black tea on hair will allow increased blood flow around the scalp and promote hair growth from the follicles.


Black tea contains a substance called Catechin (highest concentrations found in Green tea), which allow a greater flow of blood by relaxing the  blood vessels.


One more way that black tea can help you keep your hair from damage is that it can stop the forming of DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) which is the primary factor in male and female pattern baldness. 


You can help prevent the DHT hormone from binding to the hair follicles by using the black tea rinse on your hair. This will help to prevent:


* Premature hair loss


* Loss of shine


* Weakening


* Breaking


* Easy damage


* Colour loss 


How to apply the black tea rinse to your hair?


Follow these simple steps and prevent hair loss


It’s really simple and it takes only a few minutes to apply and leaves no mess.


* 1 cup hot water and 3 cups cold water(1:3)


* Place the tea bag(s) into the cup.


* Allow the tea bag(s) to steep for a few minutes. Once the water has become dark brown, take the tea bags out of the cup and gently massage the tea decoction into the scalp as this prevents dandruff.


* Leave for at least half an hour (30 minutes).


* Allow to dry 


* Repeat the process if necessary.


* Wash off with regular shampoo and conditioner.


The black tea rinse… is done. Reduces hair breakage and stimulates hair growth.


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