Burning Abdominal Fat Effortlessly With Pomegranates

Posted by Hannah Punitha on Mon, Oct 14, 2013  
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Pomegranates a superfood,according to scientists has the power to reduce the ‘spare tyre’ in men, or the ‘muffin top’ in 
women ,in short the fat stored round the stomach. VOW, THAT SOUNDS GREAT! GOOD NEWS FOR THOSE WHO HAVE A POT BELLY, ISN'T IT?
The researchers from the University of Edinburgh believe pomegrate juice may lower nonesterified fatty acid or NEFA in the 
In an experiment, 24 men and women were given  1/2 a litre(500ml) of pomegranate juice to drink every day for four weeks.
The study revealed that nearly half of all volunteers had much lower NEFA levels by the end of the month. Researchers believe that lowere NEFA levels will make them less likely to store fat around their belly and abdomen.
Also, more than 90 per cent of the men and women had lower blood pressure and LDL cholesterol by the end of the month.
Pomegranates significantly lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol, therefore reducing the risk of heart attacks, strokes 
and kidney disease. 
High in antioxidants, pomegranate juice neutralises harmful molecules called free radicals that cause cancer,heart disease and ageing.Thus it is a good anti-ageing agent.
The fruit and juice prevents dental plaque and reverses plaque build up in arteries of the heart.
The fruit also enhances the sex life, as the antioxidants increase the amount of blood flow to the genitals.
Now , go ahead and have a bottle of pomegranate juice for the next 30 days for a slimmer waist line and for a youthful you!

Pomegranates a superfood, according to scientists has the power to reduce the ‘spare tyre’ in men, or the ‘muffin top’ in women, in short the fat stored round the stomach.




The researchers from the University of Edinburgh believe pomegrate juice may lower nonesterified fatty acid or NEFA in the blood. 



In an experiment, 24 men and women were given  1/2 a litre (500ml) of pomegranate juice to drink every day for four weeks.


The study revealed that nearly half of all volunteers had much lower NEFA levels by the end of the month.

Researchers believe that lower NEFA levels will make them less likely to store fat around their belly and abdomen.


Also, more than 90 per cent of the men and women had lower blood pressure and LDL cholesterol by the end of the month.


Pomegranates significantly lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol, therefore reducing the risk of heart attacks, strokes and kidney disease. 


High in antioxidants, pomegranate juice neutralises harmful molecules called free radicals that cause cancer, heart disease and ageing. Thus it is a good anti-ageing agent.


The fruit and juice prevents dental plaque and reverses plaque build up in arteries of the heart.


The fruit also enhances the sex life, as the antioxidants increase the amount of blood flow to the genitals.


Now, go ahead and have a bottle of pomegranate juice for the next 30 days for a slimmer waist line and for a youthful you!



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