
Thelma Maria Simon

Thelma Maria Simon - MedBlogs

Am a post graduate nurse specialized in Psychiatric Nursing. I love reading and writing and that has brought me to where I am now.
Total No of MedBlogs : (41)
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Living with Diabetes

Sugarless coffees, no carbonated drinks, cant take in that cube of chocolate, no sweets for Diwali, no rice on daily basis, prick on the finger every morning and the list goes on and on and on. ...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Thelma Maria Simon on Fri, Dec 7, 2012   (4051)

Pen down your Thoughts and Words

Great were the days when Apple and Blackberry were just fruits. Wondering why? There are many reasons one could state from their perspective. We had more time for family and friends. We had close int...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Thelma Maria Simon on Wed, Dec 5, 2012   (3985)

Multi Tasking – The Way of Living

Hope every one of us has seen how a Bee works. It is always taken to flight and never rests till it accomplishes its tasks. Man these days is addressed as “Busy Bee”. The reason being tha...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Thelma Maria Simon on Tue, Dec 4, 2012   (3730)

Organ Donation – A Noble Act

If you are born you have to die. But, it is not necessary that your organs need to die with you. Your organs can live to lighten the life of someone else. Many are the awareness that is being created...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Thelma Maria Simon on Mon, Dec 3, 2012   (3541)

Auto Rickshaw Menace and Health Issues

You might wonder what is the reason I am writing a topic like this. What is the connection between Auto Rickshaw and our health? Yes of course, there is a lot of link between one’s health and t...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Thelma Maria Simon on Wed, Nov 28, 2012   (4178)

Pre Menstrual Syndrome

It is wonderful to be a born as women. Every woman is unique. But something that connects them is the pre menstrual syndrome (PMS) for all women in the childbearing category. As we all know, PMS are ...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Thelma Maria Simon on Tue, Nov 27, 2012   (3521)

The Hype About Vitamin – D

Right from school days in our science period we have always come across this vitamin called D. Every kid is taught that vitamin D is synthesized in the body on exposure to sunlight. Apart from that o...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Thelma Maria Simon on Fri, Nov 23, 2012   (3728)

Odd Shifts and Health Issues

Off late, there are many out there who are working for night shifts. It’s not just that their job demands it, but also their financial balance requires them to do so.  Night shifts does no...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Thelma Maria Simon on Wed, Nov 21, 2012   (3677)

Immunity – Important to Prevent Diseases

Immunity is present in every individual. It is the one that prevent oneself from contracting any diseases. Immunity can be natural or acquired. We tend to get immune to a variety of things and diseas...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Thelma Maria Simon on Tue, Nov 20, 2012   (3610)

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