The Hype About Vitamin – D

Posted by Thelma Maria Simon on Fri, Nov 23, 2012  
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Right from school days in our science period we have always come across this vitamin called D. Every kid is taught that vitamin D is synthesized in the body on exposure to sunlight. Apart from that our science teacher taught us that it is also available through the intake of dairy products. Every human being needs 200 IU of vit D.


Vitamin D as we all know is vital for our bone health. Everyday researches have come up with various benefits of Vitamin D. Some say its good in the prevention of cancer; some say its good for good bone and brain health. Few researches have even claimed that it boosts the immune level of the body.


We also know the fact, that by exposing ourselves to the sunlight we get to synthesize vitamin D in our body. People who never get exposed to the sun are at a high risk for vitamin D deficiency. But all said and done, recently I tend to hear a lot about vitamin D consumption. My colleague, last evening asked me, “can you tell me about this new hype that is going around people about vitamin D? My friends are calling me and asking me to take supplements of vitamin D right a way to improve the health even without consulting the doctor. Do you think I need to follow them?” I replied, “ Please do not follow what they say. Any medicines be it supplements or treatment never take without the advise of the doctor or prescription.”


Many commercials have come up with vitamin D supplements, and people believe that it is enough they go get these drugs on their own and gulp it down. Please never ever do this. You might not know, you would already have enough vitamin D in the blood and taking these without proper consultation may lead you to hypercalcemia or Vitamin D toxicity that could even be life threatening if left uncared.


You may tell me, I visit my doctor regularly and de/she only prescribed me to take vitamin D supplements. That is good. But think, how long have you been taking those pills? Have ever rechecked your vitamin D level in the blood recently or before buying that next strip of pills? If the answer is “NO”, then do it immediately and then start your next strip. If your doctor hasn’t written that test before giving you that vitamin D prescription, demand it, as “Every treatment is your right.” 


Sharing is wonderful. Pass on this message to all whom you know so that they don’t land up in serious health conditions as there are studies that have show proof that excess vitamin D can lead to Kidney failure. Now is the time. Wake up and Check up.


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