
Lachmi Deb Roy

Lachmi Deb Roy - MedBlogs

Total No of MedBlogs : (450)
page 45 of 46

Steps to a Healthier you

To live healthy and strong one has to develop a positive attitude towards life. Old age will come to one and all who survive the daily grind. However, if you plan for it, do not worry about the fine ...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Wed, Dec 1, 2010   (3626)

Sexual Intimacy in front of Kids

Children are extremely sensitive to their parent’s behaviour to each other. So as responsible parents it is our duty to be careful with our gestures with each other. While getting close to each...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Mon, Nov 29, 2010   (5187)

The Truth about Rice

For many dieters rice is considered to be the main cause of weight gain and hence it is the first food to be eliminated by them. But choosing your rice right is the best way to keep your weight under...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Sun, Nov 28, 2010   (4530)

Truth about Injectable Contraceptives

Injectable contraceptives, the latest to be promoted by the government for effective birth spacing is causing menstrual chaos apart from causing osteoporosis, weight and metabolic changes and cancer....Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Fri, Nov 26, 2010   (4245)

Information Indigestion

Over loading of information can be harmful. You are loading yourself up with lots of information from the net, books, through conversation with friends and colleagues. But somewhere down the line whe...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Tue, Nov 23, 2010   (3510)

Caught in the Net

Internet addiction is catching up in the city as never before. Life on the internet today has become more important than life outside.  It wasn’t any thing unusual for Sheela Menon to...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Tue, Nov 23, 2010   (4594)

Tween Rebellion

The transition from child to teenager brings a minefield of challenges. But most parents complain today that their children seem to be teens at 10. Troubled tweens are a complicated group of children...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Mon, Nov 22, 2010   (4339)

Hit him where He Wants

You always thought that women had a G-spot. Well men have it too. So, its pay back time for the ladies. We have heard about men gossiping about the female G-spot in the locker room. It seems...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Mon, Nov 22, 2010   (4364)

Forgetten Childhood

FORGOTTEN CHILDHOOD By Lachmi Deb Roy   The streets are empty because children do not play anymore. Life especially after – school, for children today has become structured, organize...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Tue, Nov 16, 2010   (3943)

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