Tween Rebellion

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Mon, Nov 22, 2010  
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The transition from child to teenager brings a minefield of challenges. But most parents complain today that their children seem to be teens at 10. Troubled tweens are a complicated group of children. While they are not teenagers, they are also no longer little kids. They are tweens ---children between the age group of 8 and12. And it is these tweenagers who are posing a bigger problem for parents these days. Behaviour pattern in this age group can be pretty challenging and difficult for parents. Doctors say it is the cause of early puberty. Parents of tweens can be just as confused about what is happening to their children, as the tweens themselves are.  Where has my sweet happy child disappeared to? Why does my child reject everything I say? Why is he so argumentative or defiant? These are some of the many questions you, as a parent of a rebellious tween, might be asking yourself.

"This could be a result of puberty, the start of adolescence, which has lowered considerably in terms of age. So kids have their hormones going crazy at an earlier age than before and they have parents who feel they are too young to be sassy and rebellious, and therefore come on too strong on tween, setting the stage for regular power struggles," states Mumbai based clinical psychologist, Anjali Chabria.

Kids really are growing up faster than before. Helping your tween navigate through these challenging years will take a little work. Physically tweens are changing at a rapid pace. Their bodies are growing, their hormones changing, and their brains are developing. Unfortunately, tweens are not always ready physically or emotionally to cope with all that’s happening to them. Anger, often times, is the result. Fashionista Queenie Dhody says, “My son is 10 and my daughter is 13 and yes they are growing up before their ages. Today’s kids are exposed to so much information- media, inter net, they travel so much have the latest gizmos. There is a lot of pressure on the parents too. Kids of this age are demanding because they have their own insecurities. As parents, we must understand that. It’s a vicious cycle really- the kids are demanding so the parents have to give much more, then the parents end up expecting much more and become more demanding.”

Peer pressure, competition, increased exposure to media-TV, internet etc-from a very young age, and you have a tween who is too hot to handle! “Occasional out bursts are normal, and there is nothing to worry about. However keep in mind when tweens are angry, they want every one to know it, so door slamming, yelling and rebelling are likely. If your tween hurts him or others, or damages property, you should contact your doctor, who may recommend a trained professional who can help,” says child psychologist Seema Hingorani.


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  • avatar
    Thursday, January 6, 2011 loopslike

    There are many teens who feels shy to share their problems and intention with their parents.The parents should be act with them as like friend not not behave rudely.As children felt shyness about telling their boyfriend/girlfriend so parents should take care in this regards.

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