Caught in the Net

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Tue, Nov 23, 2010  
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Internet addiction is catching up in the city as never before. Life on the internet today has become more important than life outside. 

It wasn’t any thing unusual for Sheela Menon to spend 10 hours a day online a few months ago. She used to wake up early in the morning and turn on the computer. Her household work and her bills kept pilling up. Constant complaints from her daughter and husband made her realize that she had a problem.  Yes internet addiction is for real. Internet addiction has caught up in the city as never before. This addiction is not restricted only amongst the youths in the city, but it has become a very common thing amongst the bored house wives and the men folk too. Today countless people in the city are spending more and more time clicking and typing, typing and clicking.

 “Living in a city like Vizag which offers very little source of entertainment, the internet has become the only source of entertainment to us,” says Ruchali Sinha, a teeenager. When she gets home from college, she immediately logs on to her computer. Then she stays there, touching base with the people she has seen all day long, floating in a kind of multitasking heaven of communication. First, she clicks on his Web log, or blog -- an online diary she keeps on a Web site called -- and checks for responses from her readers. Next she reads her friends' journals, contributing her distinctive brand of wry, supportive commentary to their observations. Finally, she spends a long time -- sometimes hours -- exchanging instant messages, a form of communication far more common among teenagers than phone calls. Two years ago mounting an online journal was a distant dream. But today it has become a second habit for all the Vizagites.

Take the case of Anil and Vishakha Das. They are a middle-aged couple married for nearly 15 years and living in the city with two children. But something was really wrong in their marriage. Vishakha was found spending an inordinate amount of time online in chat rooms and developed what appeared to be relationship with men online. What Vishakha had stumbled onto was a new and growing abuse of the internet; cyber affair and cyber sex. 

 Are you an Internet addicted?

We are all hooked to the net in some way or another- looking for information, entertainment or relationships. Use of internet has grown faster than any technology in history. Using it is not a problem for internet users who are online less than five hours a week.  So, when does harmless surfing cross into overuse? Heavy users are at risk when they are plugged in for more than 18 hours a week. Experts say that you are considered to be addicted to the Net if you are spending unreasonable amount of time online, if it is causing you to drag in to work late; if your relationship with your mate, children or friends are suffering, and if the only exercise you get involves a keyboard and a mouse.

Internet – a good habit

There are many in the city who do not agree with the idea of internet addiction. Shefali Kumar, a computer professional says, “Internet is a big help for cancer patients. My mother who is suffering from breast cancer uses the internet before visiting the doctor.” The internet is changing the way the people learn about health and illness. Health sites and discussion areas are amongst the most popular resources on the web.

Again studying online is a new learning experience for both teachers and students. With the explosion of home access to the web, it helps students in doing their homework. “You can log on pretty much automatically. You can find information without much trouble at all. Internet is a great opportunity to support your children, helping them to identify reliable sources, notice bias, report propaganda and develop their own independent ideas based on research. If you raise your children on a steady diet of internet information with lesson on how to browse, shift, cull and synthesize, you will see a tremendous pay-off as they pass through school and into the job market,” says Sudeshna Chatterjee, a teacher.

Using the internet as a learning tool is a good habit because of the rich assortment of electronic information on line, there is no need for cumbersome, hard copy, print encyclopedias to support home research. Content writer, Shonali Sharma says, “Internet is a source of income for me. So I have to sit on the net for hours together.”

The property portal for the Vizagites, called is also a great help for the people of Vizag. It is a platform for the buyers and sellers. You can buy and sell property by putting advertisements on the website. This portal was launched last April. No mediators are required to buy or sell property. “If you want to rent your property you will have to just put the advertisement on the web site. 

Caught in the Net

A compulsive and potentially addicted user is online for more than 15- 18 hours a day in non-work-related activity. Checking e-mail at night when no one else is awake and for no reason is a compulsion. You may even have early signs of addiction if you feel a need to be on the Internet more and more and feel worse when you stop. Renowned psychologist from Mumbai, Dr. Anjali Chabria is of the opinion, “You may have a problem if your internet use is interfering with your ability to function in every day life.” Like addiction to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes and caffeine, internet addiction is marked by symptoms of increasing tolerance, withdrawal, mood changes and interruption of social relationships. It can be as destructive as addiction to any other things like alcohol or drugs. Researches have proven that excessive internet usage has the same risk as gambling and can lead to disruption of your work, relationship and even your health.

Dealing with the problem

People who abuse the Internet are typically struggling with other problems like depression and anxiety. “Recognizing that you have a problem is the first step towards recovery,” says Dr. Chabria. Many people are of the opinion that the only way to cure internet addiction is to pull the plug, cut the modern wire or throw out the computer. But think again. She further adds, “You do not have to get overboard in order to deal with the disorder. As the Internet is a productive tool when used properly, it is important to find a balance between surfing and other activities.  You can figure out what you spend most of the time on (e-mail, games, music etc) and limit the time to a couple of hours.

The best way to deal with the problem is to monitor the time spend on the internet. “I tried to get out of the problem of internet addiction by setting an alarm for one or two hours and taking a break at every interval. You can start this in a gradual way by creating a computer –free day. Gradually extending this to include larger periods of time.” says Anu Chopra, a house wife.  If boredom strikes take up some new hobbies, read a good book, play with kids etc. Find activities that take you away from the computer.  

When you are suffering from internet addiction, “The best way is to ask yourself: “What am I missing out on when I spend so much time on the Net?’ write these activities down and you will be surprised to find out that the list is endless.,” says Dr. Chabria.

Remember that internet is a tool and not your life. So do not misuse it. Also prevention is more likely to be assured if you maintain balance in your life. Making a conscious effort and commitment to a balanced life is crucial. An addiction is an addiction, so it is always better to be careful.


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