Milk or No Milk

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Thu, Aug 23, 2012  
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We don’t know that the milk that we are drinking religiously in the morning and even forcing our kids to take two glasses of milk regularly is actually good for our health or is it poisonous and is damaging our health completely.


The synthetic milk which is adulterated is being sold in the market. It started in the village, but now it is spreading rapidly even in the cities.   This milk is also mixed with the branded milk and is also mixed with branded dairy milk products too. So it is time to be careful when you are giving your child a glass of milk or a dollop of curd.


Synthetic milk is made of completely different component with high degree of adulteration. The cost of producing synthetic milk is less than Rs.5. Refined oil or mustard oil, caustic soda and urea is used to churn up this synthetic milk. Along with this sugar and glucose are added to give a sweet taste.


This synthetic milk is extremely dangerous for expecting mothers and babies.  Urea is used to thicken the milk. The side effects of synthetic milk are dangerous and if a lot of urea is used in the milk to thicken it then the urea level in the body goes up and can lead to damaging the brain completely, can even cause seizure and in some cases even deaths.


We all know how important milk is for children and also  for our bones, but if the urea level goes up in the body, blood gets contaminated with it and it flows to the brain which can lead to a person losing consciousness and frequent fits.


Symptoms of synthetic milk in the human body are swelling in the eye, damage of liver and kidney, complications during pregnancy, high blood pressure, heart problems and hypertension. Drinking synthetic milk can even be cancerous.


Natural milk after boiling will not turn yellowish, where as synthetic milk will become intensely yellow. And if you rub synthetic milk in your hand you can make out that it is soapy where as natural mil is not soapy. At the same time natural milk has a sweet taste; whereas synthetic milk has a slight bitter taste. So be careful of what you are putting inside your body and at the same time be all the more careful about what you are forcing inside your child’s body!


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