Steps to a Healthier you

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Wed, Dec 1, 2010  
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To live healthy and strong one has to develop a positive attitude towards life. Old age will come to one and all who survive the daily grind. However, if you plan for it, do not worry about the fine facial lines, or bemoan all you were unable to do, the passage of years will not frighten you.

 Eat healthy

Recognize the importance of breakfast in your life. Give away white rice and white bread for other healthier options. It has been claimed that people who eat breakfast outlive those who skip it. Their bodies too perform as though they were younger. Fiber in breakfast is important. It helps reduce arterial buildup and constipation. For a perfect breakfast for a working woman, and the overworked mom at home it is best to start your day with cereal, skimmed milk and a fruit. For dinner, one fish portion meal a week lowers your risk of illness and adds years to your longevity.

 Take the stairs

Climbing up and down a flight of stairs six times a day will prevent an average added weight of 2.5 kilos a year. Climbing stairs build stamina and strength. Regular walks, yoga, aerobics, visit to the gym and weight training are all good practice and you should choose what ever suits you the best. But always remember not to overdo anything. Always pay attention to your pains and make the necessary changes. Don’t over work your muscles to the extent that you cannot exercise for your coming next one month. Injuries during exercises are very common and can lead to long term treatments.

 Laugh more often

Research has proved several times that happy people live far longer than unhappy people. Star your day by laughing loudly. Invest in books, listen to jokes and read jokes, watch movies that make you giggle. Crying easily is a boon as well. It takes out all your pent up angers and makes you feel much lighter.

 Enjoy the morning sun

After a life time of protecting our skins from the vagaries of the sun in pursuit of having a fair skin, we can at least enjoy a morning beverage of our choice by the open window, or by just leaning over the balcony. Sunlight is a natural source of vitamin D. And sunlight is said to be helpful in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. That does not mean that you get your self nicely baked in the mid –day sun. Just 20 minutes of light exposure when the sun is milder is good.

 Chocolates and wine gives you the most needed high

When you have the craving, just don’t keep your self away from chocolates and wine. Be wise and switch to dark chocolate, which is also an antioxidant. Two squares of good quality dark chocolate (of 70m per cent cocoa solids) have the same amount of antioxidant as a small apple. Alcohol in moderation is god for the heart too especially a glass of red wine. But remember a glass of wine in a wine glass and not a pint in a beer mug.

 Don’t forget to down the multi-vitamin and the calcium

As life gets busier and career and home demands increase in our life, healthy food intake is that last thing in a woman’s life. Take your supplement just after your breakfast or with the main meal, but make it a regular habit. Don’t forget your calcium intake because for strong bones calcium is very important.


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