
Lachmi Deb Roy

Lachmi Deb Roy - MedBlogs

Total No of MedBlogs : (450)
page 43 of 46

Book Therapy

It has been a habit ever since my childhood days to reach out for the book shelf when ever I am feeling low. It has always helped me in dealing with life’s ups and downs. Aristotle believed tha...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Sat, Jan 8, 2011   (3974)

Can Long Distance Friendship Survive?

Have you ever thought about the fact that why some friendships just fade away while others don’t. Sometimes we don’t even remember the names of our best pals in school. While there are so...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Wed, Jan 5, 2011   (4675)

I Choose to be Happy!

Are you happy today? If you are good. If you are not, you have only your self to blame. How is that you ask? I am unhappy because my co-worker got the promotion I should have. I am unhappy because ...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Thu, Dec 30, 2010   (2729)

It’s a Woman’s World

Women are no longer the weaker sex. And in many a fields women have left men panting way behind.   Recent studies have shown that not only women are much more efficient than men; their sense org...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Thu, Dec 30, 2010   (4756)

Don’t Trust your Salon Too much

Unhygienic conditions in the salon can actually cause untold damage to your beauty. We all love to be pampered and we don’t want to do it our selves and for this reason we love to go to salons....Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Thu, Dec 30, 2010   (4038)

The A to Z of Calcium

Calcium has the answers to all those womanly woes When we think of calcium, we often think of women drinking milk. Through all our growing years, we keep hearing that litany of lactose, exho...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Wed, Dec 29, 2010   (4523)

Telling your child about sex.

Telling your child about sex is one f the most difficult part of parenting. A child’s first escapade with sex does not happen with puberty, it starts as early as pre-school years. Well when is ...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Wed, Dec 29, 2010   (4220)

Switching over to baby food diet.

These days it has become a craze to switch over to baby food diet to fight the battle of bulge. Well, it’s one of the newest diet fads to hit Hollywood and is fast catching up in India too. A b...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Mon, Dec 27, 2010   (6352)

Pregnant with Pleasure

Expectant moms experience and increased need for physical affection and sexual satisfaction too. It is important to consult your gynecologist for individual advice on sex during pregnancy.   ...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Sun, Dec 26, 2010   (4086)

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