Can Long Distance Friendship Survive?

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Wed, Jan 5, 2011  
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Have you ever thought about the fact that why some friendships just fade away while others don’t. Sometimes we don’t even remember the names of our best pals in school. While there are some people who are so good in maintaining good relation with other. Maintaining friendship is a tough job. Take the case of Ranjavati and Ananya. Ranjavati a freelance journalist and Ananya, a fashion designer met when the both of them came to Delhi to work. Ananya used to completely depend on Ranjavati because it was difficult for her to meet both ends in a big city like Delhi with a pathetic salary of Rs.4,000 per month. “I would bank on her completely some times to pay for the bus fares and even my grocery bills. I used to even borrow clothes from her,” says Ananya.   Both of them loved each others qualities. They attended each others weddings and even after ten years of marriage they manage to find time to go out for movies and even shopping once in a while. They meet each other once in a while and share their inner most secrets. They make it a point to call each other at least once in a week. Today the two friends are an important part in each other’s life.

“Tragedy can affect a friendship that does not have a firm foundation,” says counselor Monika Singh. Friendship needs to be solid to help the person come out of self pity and depression. Friends can be important pillar sin times of crisis, so never push your friend away even when she is withdrawing herself into a shell. “Give your friend time to cry on your shoulder. Do not bombard her with questions and advises. Try and understand her feelings. By just listening to her can make her feel better,” says psychologist Dr. Anjali Chabria.

When friends get married and both of them move to different cities try to conquer the distance by staying in touch over email and phone. Remember important dates and call to wish your friend. When a woman gets married, her whole life changes. She enters into a new relationship, makes a new home, and is busy with her career, children and her home so she fails to get time on maintaining old friendship. This is the biggest mistake a woman does. In life old friends can be a big support in helping a person deal with life’s pressures. So it is important to keep your friendship alive. One of the most effective ways of keeping your friendship alive is memories. So just go on building fond memories by meeting at least once a year with each other’s families.


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