Top 10 homeopathic remedies for acne!

Posted by Shreya Deshpande on Wed, Jan 5, 2011  
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The acne vulgaris is perhaps one of the most dreaded problems many people face. The main cause behind the fear is obviously the degree of “loss of confidence” this problem causes in the population than the actual lesion. But with aptly chosen homeopathic remedies, we can halt the progress of the disease and put an end to the menace by rendering soft supple skin to the ‘beauty-conscious’ generation.


Causative factors of Acne-


Excess oil secretion from the sebaceous glands is considered to be the prime cause behind acne vulgaris, principally affecting the teenagers. However, in some people, the trouble lasts longer even in thirties and forties.


Though oil secretion is said to be one of the main causes, the excess oil secretion in certain diseases like acromagaly, Parkinson’s disease, etc does not cause acne. Therefore, it is thought that the androgenic hormones from testes, ovaries, and adrenals are the culprits that enhance the oil production in the skin. That’s why the peak period of acne burst outs is teen-age, when these hormonal levels undergo lots of changes. The oil when clogs the skin pores may lead to some or the other infection leading to acne.


However, acne is said to be familial trait too. The causes lie much beneath the so-called increased sebum production. No wonder homeopathy has lot to offer to the patients of acne, as the causative factors can be varied, which can be dealt effectively only with the homeopathic medicines applied to the patient of acne homeopathically.


Clinical Features of Acne-


As with any skin trouble, acne vulgaris can be classified roughly as mild, moderate, and severe. Eruptions or lesions may be confined to face, shoulders, upper chest, back, buttocks, etc. One may notice greasy skin. Blackheads can be the presenting feature in some. In some, the acne can be very severe with abscess and cyst formation with heavy scarring. The lesions can be macular, papular, or rash-like in many patients. Acne rosacea is the variety affecting the middle aged women and men. It is characterized by marked red eruptions, pustules, etc without the formation of blackheads.


Suppression of Acne by Strong Chemical Agents-


Most patients of acne vulgaris are young children entering their teens, when they want to look their best. Therefore, most of them resort to creams, ointments, and lotions they find attractively advertised through various media. Some get better results for the time being. However, in most cases, these measures prove only temporary. They give just palliative results till the person uses the particular local application and acne return back utterly aggravated once he or she weans off it.


Worse still, the acne get suppressed and the deranged life force affects some more vital organ and the person starts suffering from more severe disease than acne after he suppresses it. Any skin eruption suppressed does not cure the patient but worsens him on some other vital plane. Have seen many patients say, “Acne was far better to have than this suffering” after they suppress acne. DO NOT suppress them.


It certainly does not mean you have no right to look beautiful! Just that your skin needs more delicate treatment that will wipe out acne permanently with milder homeopathic medicines suited to your constitution.


Homeopathic Treatment of Acne-


According to homeopathic principle, local application is a strict NO while treating acne or any other skin eruptions. Let the medicine act on higher plane to enable the body comprehend the derangement in one of its sphere (here skin), and eradicate the disease process by alleviating the symptoms of the disease. For it to happen, the homeopathic expert must be aware of the constitution of the patient, his family history, his mental and physical traits, and any concomitant symptoms and signs if present.


One of the major thing to remember while treating the patient of acne is- “Give maximum importance to the subjective symptoms than objective, and you will rarely go wrong in acne treatment”.


Here is the list of some important homeopathic medicines to be thought of while dealing with acne cases-


(1) Asterias rubens-

-         Considered as one of the chief dugs for treating acne

-         Itchy acne

-         Skin seems less elastic

-         Acne eruptions with fetid pus

-         Acne rosacea

-         Acne affecting back, shoulders, sides of nose, chin

-         Flabby patient with lymphatic constitution

-         Sycotic diathesis

-         Sexual excitement in both sexes

-         Fear of bad news in adolescent girls

-         Worse coffee, left side


(2) Belladonna-

-         Red hot facial skin

-         Scarlet rash-like acne

-         Suddenly spreading acne lesions

-         Alternate redness and dullness of skin

-         Pustular eruptions on skin

-         Skin feels smoothly red but burns

-         Acne leading to swelling of glands of neck, chin

-         Bluish red acne lesions

-         Shiny red eruptions


(3) Dulcamara-

-         One of the underrated remedies for acne

-         Humid eruptions on face

-         Acne lesions itch, worse in cold wet weather

-         Vesicular eruptions

-         Small boils spreading uniformly across the face, forehead

-         May be associated with warty eruptions on hands and face

-         Acne worse around the menstrual period

-         Mucus membrane affections are often the concomitant

-         Worse by cold in any form, better by warmth


(4) Merc sol-

-         Syphilitic acne

-         Earthy, puffy, dirty-looking face

-         Pustular acne

-         Constantly perspiring skin

-         A big pimple surrounded by many small pimples

-         Itchy eruptions worse from the warmth of bed

-         Eruptions in private parts, buttocks

-         Skin and mucus membranes affected at the same time

-         Yellowing brown or greenish pus from Pustular acne, may be streaked with thin blood

-         Extremely fetid suppuration

-         Worse extremes of temperature, night, dampness, perspiration


(5) Graphites-

-         Cobweb sensation on face is one of the most marked features of Graph

-         Itching pimples

-         Constipated bowels is a frequent accompaniment

-         Rough hard skin of face

-         Persistent dryness of skin

-         Acne oozing out a sticky exudation

-         Pimply eruptions behind ears

-         Unhealthy skin with tendency to suppurate

-         Redness of face

-         Burning acne with think sticky discharges

-         Worse warmth, during and after menses

-         Better in dark room


(6) Bovista-

-         Acne in sensitive girls

-         Crusty eruptions around mouth and nostrils

-         Acne from over-use of cosmetics

-         Swollen look of cheeks

-         Sensitive skin with tendency to leave deep impression with blunt instruments

-         Itchy eruptions

-         May have had an attack of urticaria or tendency to recurrent urticaria

-         Pimples covering the entire body

-         Acne always worse in summer


(7) Radium brom-

-         Acne rosacea with red pimply rashes

-         Small eruptions with itching, burning, swelling, and redness

-         Excessive itching with burning of skin as if on fire

-         Painful pimples

-         Acne with scars that take long time to heal

-         May be associated with itchy dermatitis of skin and/or trophic changes in fingernails

-         Acne seem worse after getting up in the morning

-         Better in open air and hot bath


(8) Arnica-

-         Painful acne with sore bruised feeling in skin

-         Sunken red face with heat feeling on lips

-         Itchy burning pimples

-         Acne may occur in crops; one heals and the new eruption rises near it

-         Indurated acne characterized by symmetry in distribution

-         Bluish look of skin with tendency to form boils

-         Worse by tough, wine


(9) Kali brom-

-         Itchy pimples on face, chest, shoulders, etc

-         Pustular rashes

-         Anesthetic feeling in skin of face and mucus membranes

-         Exaggerated sexual desire in females suffering from acne during menses

-         Extremely fidgety hands is on of the main features of the drug

-         Horrific dreams and grinding of teeth in sleep is often an accompaniment

-         Worse warmth


(10)                    Calcarea sulph-

-         Suppurative tendency of the skin

-         Pustular jagged eruptions with oozing of yellow mucus

-         Facial pimples

-         Unhealthy skin with yellowing scabs

-         Many small pimples under the hair that bleed when scratched

-         Purulent exudations from acne

-         Acne lesions that do not heal fast

-         Pimples around ears with tendency to bleed on scratching


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  • avatar
    Wednesday, November 23, 2016 NancyJhon

    Spotted skin, scars and acne marks make you feel embarrassed and hurt self-esteem as well. Many of us opt for cosmetics and other products to get rid of acne residues. There are many home remedies which have proven their effects on lightening these skin marks. Tomato and Lemon Juice: Take a “fresh tomato” and make its paste. Mix it well with one tablespoon of lemon juice. Apply the paste on face for around 20 minutes and rinse it off gently with water after 20 minutes. Pulp of Aloe Vera: Let the pulp from Aloe Vera dry for 5 minutes in sun. Add 6-8 drops of lemon juice to it and apply on the affected area and face for 15 minutes. Onions: Cut the onion into small pieces. Grind those pieces and separate the juice from the residue. Apply the juice for few minutes on the affected skin and rinse after 10 minutes. Cucumber and Milk: Make a paste out of cucumber, milk and a bit of lime extract. It will serve as a face mask. Apply thoroughly and wash it with warm water after 10 minutes. You must consider a visit to dermatologist in severity of the condition. But, these home remedies are proven effective in getting rid of acne marks, black spots, pimples and dark spots.

  • avatar
    Sunday, April 24, 2016 RidhiSharma

    Another popular natural treatment for acne is tea tree oil. Tea tree oil acts like an antiseptic and disinfects the pores. In addition, it helps kill the bacteria that cause acne. Just apply one drop of tree tea oil to the affected area three times a day. If the application of undiluted tea tree oil causes skin irritation, redness, or overdrying then use tea tree oil diluted in water or mix it with aloe vera gel and then apply. Regards, Ridhi Sharma Currae Specialty Hospital

  • avatar
    Saturday, June 21, 2014 anna19

    Since 2 months I am on homeopathic treatment my acne worsened like never before ............acne are disturbing my mental status pls tell me whether I should continue.....? Though am an mbbs student I chose to take homeopathy for 2 things one is side effects of allopathy and I have tried all medicine s upto oral retinoids........I m very confused pls guide me

  • avatar
    Wednesday, April 10, 2013 amptwig91

    Dear Dr. Shreya, I just finished reading your blog about your homeopathic remedies for acne. I am always looking for some healthy way to clean up my acne, and you seem like you know a lot about it. I am 22 years old, with oily skin. I have pimples on my forehead, mildly on cheeks, constantly and severe on chin and neck, and pretty severe on my back, my nose is clean with no blackheads or pimples. I have tried everything that i could think of from washing face 3 times a day with salicylic acid soap, using saltwater twice a day, tea tree oil 3 times a day, etc. nothing gets rid of it completely. I know that my problem has some part to do with my parents and the genes they gave me, because my dad went through his stage a acne around my age and my mother had it about the same. I do not scar really at all, which is a good thing, but I don't know how to get rid of the acne completely. I'm hoping you could help me. It would mean the world.Sincerely, Austin Perez

  • avatar
    Sunday, December 16, 2012 Gaurav1987

    Hello Maam,I am a 26 years old boy. My skin type is oily. I have problem of acne especially severe in winters. They develops under the skin, cysts are formed, and leaves red scars the generally takes months to fade. I feel very bad and losing confidence to interact with people.9 monthsago I had taken Allopathic treatment and the doc prescribed me isotretinoin. It worked wonders and cleaned up all pimples and scars in 3 months. but it had side affects . I started losing my hairs and thining . SO i have discontinued it 5 months ago and now my face has become prone to acne again and getting 1-2 pimples weekly...I dont know what to do, I dont want to go back to allopathic treatment as it had severe side effects. Also, My father had the acne problem too.

  • avatar
    Tuesday, September 4, 2012 thakur.286

    hello dr.sreya, i am a 24 years old unmarried girl.i am suffering from acne, pimples and some brown spots on my face since last 7-8 years.the pimple is small in size and some times some of them are big in size filled with pus and in that big pimple slight itching occurs.The pimple occurs suddenly and some times my face is all clean without any pimple and acny.when my skin exposed with outer atmosphere without covering my skin then the pimples get prominent. i have also done some allopathy treatment but no effect occur.But right now i am taking Belladonna.can you please help me out to get rid of this problem.

  • avatar
    Thursday, June 21, 2012 DrShreya

    @ Anjum669, when we treat acne, it is necessary that the whole constitution of the patient is taken into consideration; that is why the treatment differs from person to person. Acne aid may be working in a few but may not work in all due to its generalized nature. It's better you seek one to one homeopathic consultation than resort to some generalized medication. Thanks.

  • avatar
    Thursday, June 21, 2012 anjum669

    dr, 1 more thing.i saw an advt of bakson's acne aid tablets.can i use it without any priscription?

  • avatar
    Thursday, June 21, 2012 anjum669

    hello dr.sreya, i am a 20yr old student.i am suffering from acne since last 8 years.i have already done lot of medicatons ouside (on my face) includung a intensed pulse light treatment.but sadly nothing comes succesive.during this period, i have got a lot of scars all over the face with pimples totally made me an introvert,lost my all confidence. now i cannot concentrate in my studies because of this crap.i am so helpless,and tired.could you tell me is there any medications in homeopathy to get rid of this..?

  • avatar
    Sunday, May 20, 2012 DrShreya

    Dear Chandan22, you can definitely be benefited by homeopathic treatment. One thing is important to understand that mere external application can never help you have lasting relief. So, go for internal therapy. If you know a good homeopath around you, you can directly contact him or her; else, you can write to us at and we will help you overcome this trouble. Thanks.

  • avatar
    Sunday, May 20, 2012 chandan2244

    Hello Dr.Shreya i am facing this problem since 12 years of age and it was like white needles on my shoulders. But after some years, when I grew up this disease aggravated and spread on my chest, back and buttocks. Now it is in pimple form with pus and redness around. Typically I never faced this problem on my face. Now I am 30 years old and the whole affected area looks like a blotchy mango and every pore of skin seems a potential pimple. What is the homeopathic treatment.

  • avatar
    Monday, April 16, 2012 DrShreya

    Dear Gayathri, Exactly that's what happens. Homeopathic medicines act on individual basis and lot of study has to be done in any case to decide the right remedy for that case. You can mail me your details and I will be more than happy to help you cure your acne. Thanks.

  • avatar
    Monday, April 16, 2012 Gaaaa

    hello Dr. Shreya,I am 24 yr old and i am suffering from acne since two years. I used to get one or two pimples once or twice a month during my puberty but it was quite ignorable. but in the past two years it has become so severe especially during winters i would feel pain even while washing my face. the pimples leave dark pigmentation and few scars which take a very long time to fade. My skin is a combination skin having a T-zone. I usually get pimples on my cheeks and at the time of my menstrual cycle all my face is affected (fore head, sides of the nose, chin and ofcourse cheeks). The pimples end up with eruptions oozing pus. I tried a lot of creams and ointments which seem to be of no use. My brother has acne but after reading your med blog he has taken* Asterias rubens and his acne is drastically been cured. I took the same pills but it dint help me. If you can kindly suggest me with a medicine it would be of great help to me. Thanks in advance. waiting for your reply,Gayathri

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