
Lachmi Deb Roy

Lachmi Deb Roy - MedBlogs

Total No of MedBlogs : (450)
page 42 of 46

Power of beauty starts early

We live in a society which glorifies beauty. From the time we are born beauty matters. In Mumbai, children as young as ten flock to salons for facials, funky hairstyles, waxing and threading. N...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Fri, Jan 21, 2011   (5254)

The spirited child

You have seen them at the super market. Running from one corner to another, pulling the parents to the chocolate or toy counter, taking down arm loads of chocolates and pilling it on the trolley, for...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Fri, Jan 21, 2011   (4185)

The truth behind fat burners

One needs to lose weight primarily to feel good and fit and not just to look good. But people all over the world are obsessing about losing weight and looking thin. They are even ready to take the dr...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Thu, Jan 20, 2011   (13681)

Stay away from party drugs

It is Saturday night, Renuka Modi, a fashion writer in a Roberto Cavali dress, pops a small, blue pill into her mouth and dances to the thumping beat. Later she heads to a house party with her friend...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Tue, Jan 18, 2011   (5249)

Are career women more aggressive

    As more and more women are getting out of their cocoons and invading male- dominated fields, balancing homes and jobs, are they also loosing their feminine grace and becoming aggr...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Tue, Jan 18, 2011   (3300)

Fifty is the new twenty-five

There’s an aura about her. The elegant 50-something at the bar or at the gym; her poise has the scent of experience, her tone is confident. She is what the Indian woman is morphing into...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Mon, Jan 17, 2011   (4097)

Finding happiness

Happiness is not as elusive as you think. It lies deep inside you. You are sure to find happiness if you stop expecting too much from life. Simplify your life and start living your passions. Do in li...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Sun, Jan 16, 2011   (4298)

Fusion exercise

Fusion exercises are in and it is real fun doing them. Fusion exercise basically is a workout that combines various moves with loads of fun. Blending two forms of workout has a lot of benefit. The tw...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Fri, Jan 14, 2011   (5804)

Shall we dance

You still want your regular dose of exercise but you’re not a gym bunny, and swimming laps in the pool is just too monotonous.  Joining a dance class is the best option.  So put on yo...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Thu, Jan 13, 2011   (4168)

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