Facts About High Blood Pressure
Damage to your arteries
High blood Pressure wears off the arteries, and it causes damage to them. High blood Pressure put a lot of Pressure and stress on the blood vessels, as the blood i...Read More
Posted by Krishna Bora on Wed, Mar 19, 2014 (4858)
Shocking Facts About Smoking
Who could have thought that this blog would come out of this prestigious website, and who could have thought that there is more to smoking, than just the hazard of lung cancer. There are some shocki...Read More
Posted by Krishna Bora on Tue, Mar 18, 2014 (5233)
Have A Safe Holi With Natural Colours
Why has organic colours become a big deal today in Holi, and what are the side-effects of using chemical colours. Here is the scoop of the health hazards of the chemicals used in Holi colours: ...Read More
Posted by Krishna Bora on Sun, Mar 16, 2014 (4733)