Key Nutrients Vegetarians Need

Posted by Krishna Bora on Mon, Dec 16, 2013  
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Vegetarians and non-vegetarians are equally distributed among the country. Hence, they miss out on some nutrients which the non-vegetarians get through their meal. Be sure that you get all the nutrients being a vegetarian.


Calcium: Bones and teeth development need calcium, and help the nerve cells transmit messages throughout the brain and the body. The best sources to get calcium are bok choy, broccoli, milk, kale, and fortified soy milk.


Iodine: Iodine is much needed thing in your diet, be it a vegetarian or a non-vegetarian, which you may get from iodised table salt.


Iron: Iron is much needed in a woman’s body than in a man’s to make hemoglobin. Red meat and dark meat are the best sources of easily absorbed iron, but green leafy vegetables are the best sources of iron for vegetarians.


Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3 fatty acids are much important for development of eyes and brain. The foods which are rich in this vital nutrient are salmon, olives, canola oil, flaxseed, canola oil, and soy.


Protein: Every single cell of our body contains protein, and hence it is very essential to have protein everyday in your diet for the health of your cells. Whole grains, nuts, cottage cheese, soybeans, and beans are the best sources of protein for the vegetarians.


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