How to Get Rid of Teeth Sensitivity

Posted by Krishna Bora on Tue, Aug 13, 2013  
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Have you had this irritating toothache when you eat something too sweet, sour, cold, or hot? Well, you are not alone. According to American Dental Association, 1 in 8 adults suffer from pain due to sensitive teeth. My mother is one among them. She cannot eat anything too hot or too cold happily the way rest of my family does. She prepares herself psychologically to take a sip of chilled water in hot summers. She never could chew a piece of green mango without giving away a small cry, or sip from a cup of tea with not feeling the pain. She lived with the pain, as it became part of her life, until I told her about teeth sensitivity.


Teeth sensitivity is caused when the enamel of the tooth wears off outside the tooth, and it exposes the tubes that connect nerves inside the tooth. There are many things that can bring the pain, but there are some simple and easy ways to control, or reverse the effects.


1. The Right Brush: Are you using a brush which is hard enough for your teeth. Many times, people use hard bristled brushes and damage their teeth by brushing hard with them. Always use a soft-bristled toothbrush. Harder brushes can expose the dentin, which is a super-sensitive tissue which makes up the core of every tooth. This can lead to pain. A good toothpaste custom made for sensitive teeth is must to get some relief from the pain. 


2. Brushing Technique: The right technique of brushing is also very important to prevent scrubbing off the tooth enamel. Technique of brushing teeth is something no one much cares about, but it holds a very important role in protecting your teeth. Brushing in back-and-forth motion could harm the gums. It is suggested to hold the toothbrush at an angle of 45 degree angle to the teeth and brush your teeth in circular motion. Be soft and gentle. 


3. Swish Your Mouth with Warm Water: When you have sensitive teeth, you might feel uncomfortable and irritation when you wash your mouth with cold water. Swish your mouth with lukewarm water to feel relieved from teeth ache due to sensitivity.


4. Easy Bleachy: At-home teeth whitening products could harm your teeth and increase tooth sensitivity. Go easy on bleach and get it done in every 6-month by a professional dentist to ward off pain.  


5. What You Drink: Acidic drinks like soft drinks, cola, and soda, and eating acidic food could wear off the tooth enamel from your teeth, increasing teeth sensitivity. Limit your soda, coffee, energy drinks and other citrus fruits. Drink through a straw to minimize exposure of your teeth to the acidic drinks. Never brush your teeth immediately after eating or drinking. Always wait for 30 minutes to brush your teeth.


Hope these easy tips help to reduce your teeth sensitivity helps you.


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