
Nirmala Subramanian

Nirmala Subramanian - MedBlogs

Total No of MedBlogs : (135)
page 7 of 15

How To Help Your Girl Child To Grow Up With Self Esteem.

I thought on the morn of the International Women’s Day  there is great importance in the context of bringing up a girl child to be a woman with high self-esteem and confidence to face the ...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Mon, Mar 8, 2010   (6454)

A Simple Poem In Honor Of Woman- By Niloofer R. Kasad

This is just a simple, yet interesting poem written Niloofer R. Kasad which I thought I should share with all On the Occassion of International Woman's Day 2010   You are made of her f...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Mon, Mar 8, 2010   (15485)

Why Woman Should Be Encouraged To Build A Peaceful World.

Best Wishes For The International Woman’s Day 2010. Yes, woman have come a long way and have yet a long way to go to be treated as equal to the men. But dear friends I would just like to remind...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Mon, Mar 8, 2010   (4305)

How You Can Benefit By Chair Yoga.

Chair yoga is practiced on the chair or lying down in bed and is done by people who cannot do ordinary yoga exercises due to physical injury. This yoga is recommended for people who have undergone su...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Fri, Mar 5, 2010   (4207)

How To Kick Start And Run Your Sex Life With A Woman.

Many men fail to realize that women have entirely different sex needs than them. They are of the assumption that women are satisfied in the same way and time as them and make the mistake of initiatin...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Thu, Mar 4, 2010   (6777)

How Can Carrot, The Must For Good Health Be Included In Our Diet.

Did you have your carrots today? Yes, this is to tell all of you that carrots are very good for health and can be taken by the young and old alike being rich in beta-carotenes and full of nutrients. ...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Thu, Mar 4, 2010   (4121)

How You Can Substitute Positive Thoughts For Negative Thoughts.

Many of us fall into the habit of thinking negative in life. However this is not right and it is best to realize that life is a bed of thorns and roses, it is purely in our hands to think whether we ...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Wed, Mar 3, 2010   (5924)

How To Help Your Mentally Retarded Child To Lead A Normal Life.

Most parents look down upon a child who is mentally retarded and think them to be a burden and also end up making comparisons with their normal children. However there is nothing to feel ashamed abou...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Wed, Mar 3, 2010   (15762)

Tricks To Be Beautiful And Confident By Natural Ways.

Who doesn’t want to be confident and beautiful in the most natural way? However there are many who assume that visiting the beauty parlor on a regular basis only helps one to be beautiful and c...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Tue, Mar 2, 2010   (7115)

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