How To Use Aloe Vera For Burns

Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Mon, Jun 21, 2010  
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One of my friends is of the habit of recommending Aloe Vera as a treatment for many ailments, which made us all suspect if she earned a commission by advertising Aloe Vera products.  However she proved us wrong when her prescription worked wonders when her husband suffered burns. Yes, dear friends I swear by her prescription in curing burns after I noted how effectively she helped her husband.


It is best we all understand the versatile qualities of this humble cactus; its healing power in burns, anti-inflammatory property, besides its property to reduce scars in burns and wounds. It is right to say that Aloe Vera is nature’s gift for burns helping in   healthy cell growth and repair of damaged tissues; use the clear sap inside the Aloe Vera leaves to relieve pain and act as an anti-inflammatory agent to soothe and heal burns. 


It would be good if one can have an Aloe Vera plant in ones kitchen; this plant requires little water, natural sunlight and a warm place. However if one cannot grow an Aloe Vera plant there are many Aloe Vera preparations available in the market. Make sure you use a pure preparation with a high concentration of Aloe Vera; place it in a convenient shelf in the kitchen and use it as you would the Aloe Vera extract. . 


Attending to small burns by using these fresh leaves would be very convenient and effective also. However before you start giving first-aid it is of vital importance to judge the degree and type of burn. It is first very essential to cool the burn and avoid further damage. So immediately first run cold water over the burn and attempt to take the heat off the burn.

First-degree burns may be red, swollen but superficial. You may notice burns of a deeper nature with blisters in case of second-degree burns, while third degree burns may require immediate medical care and attention. It is best not to delay but call for immediate medical help or rush the patient to the hospital.


First and second-degree burns could be rendered immediate first aid by breaking the leaf of the Aloe Vera plant and squeezing the gel onto the burn. Take care to cut the Aloe Vera leaf lengthwise and choose real plump leaves that have a lot of pulp and moisture inside it. Take a spoon and scoop off the clear sap and pulp and mash it into a paste before applying it. 


However do make sure the wound/burn is cooled down before applying the commercial or fresh Aloe Vera gel. The gel of Aloe Vera is sure to give not only relief from pain, but also will help reduce inflammation. This would help reduce the swelling to promote better circulation of blood in the affected part. This helps in destroying harmful bacteria invading open wounds and proves to be an effective healing agent too.


Make it a routine to apply Aloe Vera a few times a day until the burn wounds heal, This gel acts as a protective layer besides acting as a moisturizer and supplying oxygen that helps to increasing strength and synthesis of skin tissue. The fresh and commercially available Aloe Vera gels prove very effective in removing dead skin cells by penetrating and transporting healthy substances through the skin. Regular application helps to reduce and make burn scars vanish with passage of time.


To conclude, I join my friend’s campaign that besides being effective in burns, Aloe Vera is nature’s gift to for many other skin and health ailments 


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