
Seema Nigar Alvi

Seema Nigar Alvi - MedBlogs

am A doctor and have a clinical experience of 8-9 years .I also have knowledge about the medical insurance as I have worked as Medical Advisaor with India's Leading TPA -Raksha TPA for almost a year.Writing is a passion and have been expressing my thoughts since twelfth standard .I have numerous articles and poems to my credit. Thes are available on various websites.I am working as afreelance content writer for various websites since a long time.
Total No of MedBlogs : (27)
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Cardiovascular Disease is not Inevitable for the Elderly

Surprisingly nearly half of all people harbour some or the other types of cardiovascular disease, by the time they reach 50or above. The prevalence of cardiovascular diseases is most commonly seen in...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Seema Nigar Alvi on Wed, Mar 23, 2011   (4116)

Hand Hygiene-its Significance

We all know that the spread of communicable diseases is by direct contact. Hand-to hand contact is probably the quickest and the easiest mode of disease transmission. Hand hygiene is an important asp...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Seema Nigar Alvi on Wed, Mar 23, 2011   (3602)

Life is What you Make of it

“Know yourself and you shall, then know God” The success graph of every great person reveals that no matter whatever one’s chosen field of activity be, it is the hard work comple...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Seema Nigar Alvi on Wed, Mar 23, 2011   (3722)

Is Euthanasia Ethical or Justifiable?

The name Aruna Shanbaugh has again evoked the long debate on whether euthanasia should be allowed or permitted? Euthanasia or dying with dignity is derived from the Greek word which means ‘Good...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Seema Nigar Alvi on Sun, Mar 20, 2011   (5205)

It’s Good to be Ambitious!

Well, ambition is the urge or burning desire to achieve our targets and goals. It is the driving force required to propel our actions to the fulfillment of our dreamed aim. In other words ambition pr...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Seema Nigar Alvi on Sun, Mar 20, 2011   (8003)

Common digestive disorders in children

Our Digestive system comprises of mouth, pharynx, stomach, small and big intestines, liver, gall bladder and rectum. Any dysfunctioning or malfunctioning in these organs will lead to appearance of si...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Seema Nigar Alvi on Sat, Mar 12, 2011   (5311)

Success –on What it Depends

 Behind all human effort lies a hope for success. We formulate plans and strategies, as long as there is presence of the faintest hope of succeeding in our endeavours. This hope generates and gu...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Seema Nigar Alvi on Sat, Mar 12, 2011   (4216)

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