Pesticides and Human Health

Posted by Seema Nigar Alvi on Thu, Mar 31, 2011  
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Pesticides are the most widely used chemicals across the globe, and their deleterious effects on the health of human beings are also well known across the world. Still, they are used profoundly.

 Insecticides are the chemicals used for killing insects, plant and fungal bugs in cultivation of crops, vegetables, fruits, etc.

Pesticides are designed with the objective of killing insects which are harmful for human beings and crops. But the horrifying aspect is that, they have several harmful and lethal effects on human health. Various health problems like asthma, skin rashes, emphysema and carcinomas are known to develop, as a consequence of the exposure to these chemicals.

Deleterious Effects of Pesticides: A variety of repercussions are known to occur due to the pesticide exposure. Some of the major ones are:

Asthma- A close relationship is noticed between farmers and asthma. Asthma is generally caused by inhalation of pesticides, which is sprayed for protecting crops.

Neurological Effects- Pesticides are known to be neurotoxins. Post- exposure symptoms may be dizziness, light-headedness, delirium and inadequate coordination in mind and body.

Cancer- Incidences of neuroblastoma, Wilms tumor,, lymphocytic leukaemia, and other childhood cancers are seen in children exposed to pesticides.

Endometriosis-  It is a condition where endometrium (uterine inner lining) grows outside the uterine cavity. This is a common hormonal disruption associated with pesticide exposure. It is responsible for infertility in females.

Lowered Sperm Count- This situation is also a common aftermath of pesticide exposure. It is responsible for infertility in males.

To conclude, it is highly imperative to mention that, the extensive usage of harmful chemicals like pesticides causes an unfathomable load on human health. The effects may range from cancers to various types of unceasing diseases, resulting in complete or partial dyfunctioning of the organs of the human body. The risk increases manifold in children. They are highly susceptible to the effects of pesticides as their immune system is weak.  The blood- brain barrier and the hepatic system is quite vulnerable.

Certain pesticides are employed as food-preservatives. Such preservatives should be strictly and stringently abandoned, in order to safeguard the health interests of the people.

Today we require an integrated approach for protecting ourselves and society at large from the ill-effects of pesticides. It is the duty of every individual, every community and the entire nation to create awareness and knowledge about the lethal effects of the pesticides and promotion of techniques to safeguard our well-being.



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