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Total No of MedBlogs : (158)
page 8 of 17
Calcium Can Help with PMS Symptoms
A study published in 1998 in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism found that vitamin D and calcium levels in the blood dropped just before menstruation. Women who boosted their daily ...Read More
Posted by CrizzyY on Sun, Mar 18, 2012 (3808)
Can’t Stop Shopping
There is no such thing as too many shoes, too many clothes or too many bags. Have you ever thought about it that why we women love collecting shoes and bags. After some time shopping does become from...Read More
Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Sat, Mar 17, 2012 (3737)
Cord Blood Banking - A Baby’s Boon
Cord blood banking, also known as stem cell banking is an upcoming trend which is slowly but steadily catching up in urban India. Advocated by doctors and researchers worldwide; it involves the colle...Read More
Posted by Divya Nair on Sun, Mar 4, 2012 (4463)
I first tasted couscous when I was at St. Petersburg and I fell in love with this grain. Couscous is a great grain for the weight watchers. It has taste, texture and is a very diet friendly dish. Cou...Read More
Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Tue, Jan 31, 2012 (4253)
CPR- Crucial in Saving a Life
A few days back I heard my brother narrate an incident of sudden cardiac arrest in his office . The victim aged 26, collapsed while talking with his colleagues. There was no warning signs or symptom...Read More
Posted by Raja Nandhini K on Mon, Jan 30, 2012 (4272)
Childhood Obesity
Childhood obesity is increasing at alarming rates and junk food is one of the major reasons for this unhealthy trend. Children these days enjoy eating at fast food joints like McDonald’s, Burge...Read More
Posted by Trupti Shirole on Fri, Dec 2, 2011 (6165)
Can I Add Salt to Baby Food?
Salt should not be added to a baby's food until she is 1-year old as this may damage her kidneys.
A baby requires less than 1gm salt which is easily obtained from breast milk and/or form...Read More
Posted by Trupti Shirole on Tue, Nov 15, 2011 (6598)
Can cervical cancer be prevented?
Cervical cancer is the cancer of the mouth of the uterus (womb). It is the number one cause of cancer related deaths amongst women in India!!!
Most cervical cancer is caused by a virus called human...Read More
Posted by Sutopa Banerjee on Fri, Nov 11, 2011 (3395)