Regular Sex! A prophylactic medicine for many problems.
Laparoscopic repair of paraumbilical hernia: A poor choice with high recurrence.
Increasing road traffic accidents:Who is to be blamed?
Bile duct injuries on a rise in the laparoscopic era?
Perianal fistula: A surgical curse!
Health insurance melt down in India likely!
Typhoid still a killer disease in urban India!
Dwindling attendance in medical colleges ! who is to be blamed?
Breast Conserving surgery ! A death trap?
Health insurance melt down in India likely!
Dwindling attendance in medical colleges ! who is to be blamed?
Advances in medical technology . A blessing or curse to patients?
Preparinng for DNB final in General Surgery
Vocational English Test be made compulsory for medical faculty
Laparoscopic incisionla hernia repair:a big surgical stunt.
Medical entrance exams killing practical standards in medicine
Increasing road traffic accidents:Who is to be blamed?
Typhoid still a killer disease in urban India!