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Sandal Magic
Sandalwood is a most seen cosmetic ingredient in Indian households. Here are some magic that a small stem of it could do your beauty:
1. Sandalwood has a plethora of powerful antioxidants....Read More
Posted by Krishna Bora on Tue, Feb 25, 2014 (4054)
Some Health Benefits of Sweating
There are many health benefit of sweating, but who wants to sweat? Sweating is seen as something dirty and unhygienic in these days, but there are many health benefits of sweating. Here are some bene...Read More
Posted by Krishna Bora on Sat, Feb 15, 2014 (3380)
Sports and Menstrual Periods
The Female Athlete Triad
Today, menses are the biggest trouble in a girl’s life, especially when she is an athlete, or a dancer, or something like that. It is quite natural for her to go thro...Read More
Posted by Krishna Bora on Mon, Jan 6, 2014 (3340)
Six Steps to Repair Your Dull Hair
Enough of gawking at shampoo commercials, and feeling bad about your dull hair. You can repair your lifeless hair in six easy steps:
1. Look out for moisturisers that have keratin as one o...Read More
Posted by Krishna Bora on Mon, Dec 16, 2013 (3671)
Sweet potato is now the "number one" in the health list of nearly every one.Just one boiled sweet potato contains 500% of our daily intake of Vitamin A, has some calcium, iron and potassium and can p...Read More
Posted by Hannah Punitha on Mon, Dec 9, 2013 (3590)
The theory goes that this dilates the blood vessels in the feet and drawns the blood away from your head which may ease the pain. SNUFF OUT INDOOR POLLUTANT...Read More
Posted by Hannah Punitha on Thu, Dec 5, 2013 (3486)
Secret Health Problems
There are many secret health problems that people suffer from which gets embarrassing. These health issues you don’t want to discuss or share with anyone. Remember there is nothing to feel asha...Read More
Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Mon, Nov 11, 2013 (4002)