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Total No of MedBlogs : (93) page 7 of 10

Idio pathic pachy meningitis

i am suffering from idio pathic pachy meningitis since 4 years...had lost my eye site...and ear...,with treatment i got my eyes back....but lost half of my hearing  ability with one ear..... ...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by nasreen feroz soudagar on Tue, Jan 25, 2011   (4378)

In winter, eat right for good skin

Winter and vehicular pollution can leave your skin dry and dull. But you can get the golden glow back by sprinkling some flax seed on your salad or making juices from vegetables like spinach and beet...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Aparna Tandon on Sun, Jan 23, 2011   (3924)

I Choose to be Happy!

Are you happy today? If you are good. If you are not, you have only your self to blame. How is that you ask? I am unhappy because my co-worker got the promotion I should have. I am unhappy because ...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Thu, Dec 30, 2010   (3018)

It’s a Woman’s World

Women are no longer the weaker sex. And in many a fields women have left men panting way behind.   Recent studies have shown that not only women are much more efficient than men; their sense org...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Thu, Dec 30, 2010   (5071)

Is body odor killing your confidence?

Body odor can be disastrous for your social life. Generally the causes for body odor are excessive sweating, poor hygiene, illness or strong medicines. Deodorants and anti-perspirants can be used to ...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Trupti Shirole on Mon, Dec 27, 2010   (4752)

Interventional Pain Management

What is Interventional Pain Management? According to the American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (ASIPP), interventional pain management is a "discipline of medicine devoted to the ...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Shirazahmed Mo.abbas Munshi on Mon, Dec 13, 2010   (5466)

Information Indigestion

Over loading of information can be harmful. You are loading yourself up with lots of information from the net, books, through conversation with friends and colleagues. But somewhere down the line whe...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Tue, Nov 23, 2010   (3760)

Increasing Medical Colleges In India

Recent news in times of India that there is a move to increase number of medical colleges, both in private and publick sector. Already it is a tragedy that Deemed universites have throughly che...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by doctorhelpless on Tue, Oct 26, 2010   (4116)

Is My Blood OK?

Is my blood OK ? How healthy I am ? If these are the questions in your mind and they keep you troubling now and then. I have a simple solution. DONATE BLOOD. Why donate blood ? 1. You will suddenly l...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Subhash Chander Verma on Fri, Oct 8, 2010   (4187)

An Eating Disorder called Pica

In my childhood days, I was friends with a girl in the neighbourhood who would secretly nibble on ash chips from the small mud ‘choolah’ in her backyard. She would encourage me to taste s...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lakshmi Gopal on Mon, Apr 4, 2011   (37176)

Top 10 homeopathic remedies for acne!

The acne vulgaris is perhaps one of the most dreaded problems many people face. The main cause behind the fear is obviously the degree of “loss of confidence” this problem causes in the p...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Shreya Deshpande on Wed, Jan 5, 2011   (81191)

What’s the Difference between Viruses, Viroids and Virusoids?

Kaushik Bharati, PhD   What are Viruses?   Viruses are a unique and distinct group of infectious agents that are characterized by their simple, acellular organization and mode...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Kaushik Bharati on Thu, Sep 24, 2015   (46398)

Food Adulteration in India

With news of Health Departments raiding various places in Delhi and Chennai on two consecutive days it is quite evident that we are facing the danger of food adulteration on a large scale. Though i...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Trupti Shirole on Thu, Apr 21, 2011   (27698)

Increase your children's intellegence by homoeopathy

There are many problems of children which make trouble their parents. Some children are weak in study, some write untidy, Some of them are weak in mathematics and some have a...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by arun kumar burnwal on Mon, Jun 13, 2011   (33799)

Simple and effective method of increasing length of penis, based on Atharvaveda and Aquapuncture.

Atharva Ved is one of the 4 Ved, which are the initial books of knowledge in this world. First 3 Ved are dedicated for attainment of higher consciousness. The 4 th Ved, which is Atharva Ved, is book...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by healersupreme on Wed, Oct 21, 2009   (197072)

Pubalgia; Groin Pain.. What it is, How and how it is diagnosed.

Pubalgia... ...was originally known as Sport's Hernia , and Sportsman's Hernia , and described abdominal and inguinal pain experienced by athletes without any evidence of actual hernia upon phy...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by I1580918 on Wed, Feb 24, 2010   (44866)

DNB diploma gets international recognition

It is great to read that the DNB diploma offered by the National Board of Examinations , New Delhi, India has gained recognition in Europe and Middle East. The RCS Edinburgh now recognizes surgeons ...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by KETAN VAGHOLKAR on Tue, Nov 8, 2011   (25950)

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Hair Loss!

Hair fall is one of the commonest symptoms with which patients present to us. Sometimes it is an associated symptom of some other major disease symptom or it is the disease per say. I have not observ...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Shreya Deshpande on Tue, Mar 15, 2011   (48919)

How To Relish The Banana Stem For Good Health

Banana stem, appearing as a waste of the banana plant is supposed to be very good for health. One can use banana stem for its high nutritive value in different ways. It is also a source of energy and...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Tue, Feb 16, 2010   (43891)

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