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Total No of MedBlogs : (116) page 13 of 13

Top 10 homeopathic remedies for acne!

The acne vulgaris is perhaps one of the most dreaded problems many people face. The main cause behind the fear is obviously the degree of “loss of confidence” this problem causes in the p...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Shreya Deshpande on Wed, Jan 5, 2011   (81200)

What’s the Difference between Viruses, Viroids and Virusoids?

Kaushik Bharati, PhD   What are Viruses?   Viruses are a unique and distinct group of infectious agents that are characterized by their simple, acellular organization and mode...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Kaushik Bharati on Thu, Sep 24, 2015   (46431)

Vitamins in Homeopathy

Vitamins in Homeopathy Vitamin theory is very popular in modern life. Normally, there are two type vitamins. Fat soluble and water soluble are famous. The fat soluble vitamins are essential to th...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Zakir Hussain Erachamveettil on Sat, Jan 9, 2010   (54062)

Sleep Deprivation

SLEEP DERPRIVATION AND ITS IMPACT ON HEALTH In simple terms, Sleep Deprivation means not getting sufficient amount of sleep which may occur due to numerous reasons: from physical illness to menta...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Mansi Midha on Fri, Jun 21, 2013   (31351)

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Hair Loss!

Hair fall is one of the commonest symptoms with which patients present to us. Sometimes it is an associated symptom of some other major disease symptom or it is the disease per say. I have not observ...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Shreya Deshpande on Tue, Mar 15, 2011   (48925)


BENEFITS OF DRINKING WATER ON EMPTY STOMACH DRINK WATER ON EMPTY STOMACH It is popular in Japan today to drink water immediately after waking up every morning. Furthermore, scientific tests have...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by suresh j kumar on Wed, Jul 8, 2009   (61112)

DNB diploma gets international recognition

It is great to read that the DNB diploma offered by the National Board of Examinations , New Delhi, India has gained recognition in Europe and Middle East. The RCS Edinburgh now recognizes surgeons ...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by KETAN VAGHOLKAR on Tue, Nov 8, 2011   (25959)

An Eating Disorder called Pica

In my childhood days, I was friends with a girl in the neighbourhood who would secretly nibble on ash chips from the small mud ‘choolah’ in her backyard. She would encourage me to taste s...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Lakshmi Gopal on Mon, Apr 4, 2011   (37183)

Simple and effective method of increasing length of penis, based on Atharvaveda and Aquapuncture.

Atharva Ved is one of the 4 Ved, which are the initial books of knowledge in this world. First 3 Ved are dedicated for attainment of higher consciousness. The 4 th Ved, which is Atharva Ved, is book...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by healersupreme on Wed, Oct 21, 2009   (197115)

Does Stress Lead to Unwanted Hair Amongst Women

Twenty-seven year old Priya was busy concentrating on her new job and the new promotion at work. The entire week seemed to just pass by meeting the set targets and handling every responsibility in th...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by Chhavi Kapur Motwani on Mon, Sep 5, 2011   (33085)

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