First Aid – Something That Everyone Should Know

Posted by Thelma Maria Simon on Thu, Feb 21, 2013  
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Emergency occurs at any time of life. One cannot predict when an emergency could occur. It can happen at home, in office, while travelling on the roads, who knows may be even at the cinemas while enjoying your favorite movie.


It is mandatory for every human being to learn the basics of first aid, no matter what profession they belong to. There are many sites that teach us on how to perform simple first aid procedures. Many pocket books are being published on first aid tips. One should be aware that knowing it, not only is going to help someone unknown, but who knows, might be your own kith and kin at some point.


The basic first aid tips one should be aware of are the following:


* How to stop bleeding if there is a cut?

* How to rescue a person who is drowning or has been pulled out of water?

* What to do in case of a cardiac arrest?

* What to do in case of poisoning? (Various poisonings are possible)

* How to save a child who has swallowed a pebble?

* How to react and rescue in case of fire?

* How to perform a Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) while on the road?


Knowing all the above will help save a life. Also one should be aware of the emergency numbers of the place, so that help could be called in once something untoward happens. Every office and educational institutes need to be equipped with first aid kits. It is also advisable for every individual to carry a handy first aid kit in their bags which would contain cotton, gauze, micro pore plaster, band aids, betadine ointment. All these things help to dress a wound in case of cuts and accidents.


In case of cardiac arrests and drowning where one needs to bring back the respiration or heart to working condition, it is necessary to learn the techniques of mouth – to mouth respiration and the way to perform proper chest compressions to save a life.


One should react wisely when it comes to fire accidents. If you need to save someone from a room, make sure that you don’t walk into the room lest even you suffocate due to the increased level of carbon monoxide, instead crawl on the floor and bring out the person being suffocated without harming yourself. This is because the room would be filled with carbon monoxide, but the part just above the floor will have carbon dioxide that will help breathing for the rescuer (though not for long).


So go ahead, learn the basics and save a life. 


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