Yoga Mudra for Students to Improve Memory and Intelligence

Posted by Rajeevan Moothal on Sat, Dec 23, 2017  
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In yoga, Mudra means gesture using our fingers, body or mind. Mudra yoga and Ayurveda are related to each other. Our body is composed of Panchabhootha, that is five elements, which agni (fire), vayu (air), ether (space), prithvi (earth) and  jala (water). Our body has 72000 nadis or nerves. These nadis are circulating energy channels. Our fingers are opened at their end. So by simply touching the tips of our fingers we can make a circuit bypass, means we can redirect the energy back to our important organs and systems.

When we do mudra with the hand, we call it Hasta Mudra or hand mudra. If we do the mudra by our body we call it Kaya Mudra. When we do these mudras with our mind we call it Mana Mudra. The Hasta Mudras or Hand Mudras are very easy to practice and produce instant results.

There some mudras which can increase our intelligence, memory and our concentration. If students can practice these mudras they can improve their concentration in their studies, increase their intelligence and memorise better what they have studied. 

Chin Mudra is one of the important mudra which is very beneficial to increase the intelligence, memory and concentration in studies. It is very easy to practice. We have touch the tips of our thumb with the index finger, with palms facing upwards. Then a circuit bypass is created which circulate the energy to the bring centres where it stimulates or energise the centres brain and activate memory and concentration and improve the intelligence. Chin Mudra is also good for relieving stress and tension and improves relaxation of the nervous system. Chin Mudra can be practiced daily any time and anywhere. When we sit in Sukhasana or Padmasana or Siddhasana, hold the Chin Mudra for fifteen minutes for improvement. If it is for therapeutic purpose, one has to practice it for 45 minutes to one hour. This can be done at a stretch or at different times in a day.

     Another mudra for students, is Jnana Mudra. Jnana Mudra is good for acquiring knowledge and wisdom. If anyone practice it he can improve his level of understanding of everything about any subjects. This mudra is same as Chin Mudra, only thing is Chin Mudra is hold with downward facing palm. Jnana Mudra can be practiced when siting in vajrasana with holding similarly like Chin Mudra, but palms facing downwards.

So both Chin Mudra and Jnana mudras are important mudras for students who want to improve their knowledge, wisdom, memory, intelligence and increase their mental state calm and composed even during exam times.  


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