Ways to save yourself From Miscarriage

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Mon, Mar 24, 2014  
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Miscarriages can be very traumatizing. So it is better to follow certain steps to save yourself from miscarriage.


Folic acid is very important in the first few weeks of pregnancy, when the foetus is developing its neural tube, which eventually develops into the brain and the spinal cord. A healthy diet with food rich in folic acid is recommended.. The recommended daily amount is 400micrograms.


Doctors speculate that excessive physical activity such as heavy running may cause miscarriage because it elevates the body temperature and can reduce blood flow to the foetus. So pregnant woman should follow a healthy diet and exercise in moderation on a daily basis.


It is highly advisable to avoid cigarette, excessive amount of caffeine, exposure to X-rays and other dangerous physical activities.


Women with high blood pressure should start checking their pressure at home and consult their doctor regularly. At a same time keep checking your blood sugar level as well.


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