To lose weight start using a food tracker to your meals

Posted by foodtracker on Wed, Feb 19, 2014  
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To lose weight just make one simple change – start using a food tracker or journal to record your meals and calories consumed per day. Food journals are a great way for tracking meals to lose weight as one recent study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, has shown that people who maintain a food diary six days a week lost more than double their weight as compared to those who did not.

Careot – is an iPhone App that makes it a no brainer to monitor your diet by entering information into a food journal using a meal and nutrition database. The Careot app tracks calories (energy), cholesterol, protein, and many vitamins and minerals as selected by the user. The Careot food diary can even unveil eating patterns to highlight problems leading to obesity, such as patterns for overeating or just mindless munching of snacks. Careot also provides users with a graphical display and social medial based comparisons, making it fun and easy to track tack each meal and monitor calorie consumption. Here are some tips to use Careot so you can start losing weight

Tip No. 1: Define and meet your goals

Use Careot to define your goals, such as to lose weight or count daily calorie intake. The app also serves as a nutrition journal or diary that identifies food triggers, eating patterns, or to simply validate that you are in fact eating a healthy diet.

Tip No. 2: Setup a system that is easy to adopt

The Careot App helps you to setup a system that works for you. You get to record the basic meal information, such as meal name, date, time, food items, and amount/portion size. Careot keeps track of detailed nutritional information, such as carbohydrates, fat, and fiber grams, which can be particularly helpful for those suffering from diabetes and other medical conditions. You can use the app to avoid meals high in carbohydrates or in saturated fat to better manage diabetes or improve blood sugar levels by eating meals high in fiber.

Tip No. 3: Update your food journal often and regularly

Experts recommend to record each and every meal, even indulgent snacks soon after eating or all meals at least once a day. However, this requires a lot of discipline and time. To help a user stay on track the Careot app offers functionality, such as allowing a user to take a picture of a meal so they can enter the details later. The app also uses GPS technology to map a meal to a location so it a user can easily identify and reuse meal details. Such features can be especially useful for some dieters who might get lazy over time about updating their calorie tracker regularly.

Tip No. 4: You don’t need a lot of details for your calorie app

Careot allows you to enter a minimum amount of information in your food diary to help you self-monitor and pay attention to correct food choices and eating habits.

Tip No. 5: Be accurate

Careot helps you get a precise picture of your meal portions and calorie intake by enabling you to record each food item as accurately as possible. Tracking portions can help you adopt healthy eating habits, such as getting accustomed to consuming what is considered a normal serving size.

Tip No. 6: Review your food journal entries

Careot is most helpful if the food journal entries are reviewed to identify patterns that are keeping you from losing weight and living a healthy life style. Careot makes it not only easy to go back and review meals but also compare it with your community of friends.


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