Some Simple Exercises with Props

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Wed, Aug 21, 2013  
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Marichyasana or Chair Twist


Sit upright, inhale and simply twist torso to left. Take your left hand and cling on to the back of the chair. Place your right hand on the left thigh, and gently turn the neck to the left. Hold for 10 to 15 breaths. Switch sides and repeat. Remember to contract the abdomen and take deep breaths.


Parvsava Konasana or Seated Bent- Knee Triangle


Sit with your spine straight. Open legs 3 feet apart. Open the right foot to 90 degrees, keeping in-line with your ankle and turn your left foot slightly inwards, towards the right. Inhale, lengthen your spine and stretch your arms. Exhale bend your right elbow on the right thigh, and raise the left arm up, across the ear. Hold for 10 deep breaths. Switch sides, repeat.


Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose


Sit upright with your spine straight, aligned to the centre of the chair. Hold onto the back of the chair, inhale. Lift your spine up, push your shoulder blades in towards each other, and open the chest, stretching your shoulders. Hold on to the pose, breathing deeply for 10 to 15 breaths. Exhale, release the pose.


Gomukhasana or Cow pose


Sit is a cross legged position. Hold one end of the towel with your right hand and lift your right arm up and behind, with the elbow pointing to the ceiling. Hold the pose for 45 seconds and switch sides.


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