Some Important Medicines to Help In Asthma

Posted by Health Care on Wed, May 5, 2010  
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Asthma attack is a sudden and it is caused by narrowing of your airways as a result of soreness mucus and swelling.  Here are some important medicines which will help in Asthma patients to cure.

Asthma medications can be divided in to two parts. First type of medications is use for quick relief and the other type is used to control asthma.

Inhaled steroids are the most important medications for asthma because they are the most effective asthma medication which is available for the long term control of your asthma.

Long acting beta agonists LABA; this type of asthma medicines are preferred to use when inhaled steroids are not unable to control the symptoms. LABA are not used as single medicines for asthma for the prevention and treatment of asthma symptoms and are not used to cure symptoms.

Short acting beta agonists or SABA; this is a type of drug class and normally used rescue for quick relief asthma medication. For asthma patients it is necessary to keep this medicine always with them, because this medicine can prevent their asthma symptoms from getting worst.

There are so many pharmaceutical companies which have combined asthma medication products with more than one type of asthma medication in a single inhaler.  This type of medications help in asthma to widen the lungs and the inhaled steroids reduces and stops airway inflammation. This type of medication is more convenient to use by the patients and they also feel to have a better control of their asthma with its use.

Methylxanthine also works as a mild bronchodilators and considered as an alterative adjunctive treatment to be used with inhaled steroids.

Cromolyn sodium and nedocromil; these are considered as a substitute treatment for asthma patients with mild persistent asthma. These drugs are never used for the treatment of acute asthma symptoms. Both help prevent inflammation in the lungs.

Oral steroids; these are used for the treatment of moderate and severe asthma t prevent the symptoms in the emergency or hospital.

Controller asthma medication, attempts to stop these same symptoms. All asthma medication is inhaled, although some are available in liquid form and given as an infusion.

Antibiotic medicines are also widely used in the prevention and treatment of asthma. If the  symptoms are severe or the patient has severe attacks in the pastFree Reprint  Articles, a short course of steroids given by the mouth or directly into the bloodstream may be recommended.

Health Care


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