Secret Health Problems

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Mon, Nov 11, 2013  
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There are many secret health problems that people suffer from which gets embarrassing. These health issues you don’t want to discuss or share with anyone. Remember there is nothing to feel ashamed of since all of us go through this.


Sweating Problem:


None of us can smell as sweet as a rose all the time. Sweating is natural, but excessive sweating is what makes you feel out of place whether it is your underarms, palms or feet. Unclean body odour from the sweat is often produced by bacteria that break down the sweat into acids.


Excessive sweating is accompanied by stain and odour. Antiperspirants or deodorants help to mask the odour. Botox injections can be a solution to sweaty feet, palm and underarms. Try reducing the intake of garlic, onion and red meat.


Bad Breath:


Peculiar breath odour generally arises from the kind of food you eat. For instance onion, garlic etc.   Bad breath may be a consequence of certain medications, certain health conditions such as diabetes, liver and kidney problems or respiratory tract infection and diet. Long term fasting and low carbohydrate diets can also give rise to bad breath.


It is important to maintain good oral hygiene, regular brushing and flossing after every meal should help to reduce the odour-causing in the mouth. Snack on raw carrots, apples or celery. Avoid eating raw onion and garlic.


Itchy Groin:


Tinea cruris, a fungus which thrives in warm, damp places, causes ringworm of the groin and it triggers from friction, heat and humidity. You can get red rashes that are itchy with scaly patches, pimples or pustules that ooze. The rash usually appears in the skin folds.


Topical antifungal cream, lotion or powder helps clear the rash. The infected rash may require antibiotic treatment. Good vaginal hygiene can prevent jock itch.                                                                          


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