Embarrassing Health Issues

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Mon, Nov 11, 2013  
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There are certain embarrassing health issues that you don’t want to discuss or share with anyone. There is a solution for all those embarrassing nagging problems that you suffer from.


Vaginal odour is a problem that many women suffer from. Overgrowth of vaginal bacteria is the cause of vaginal odour. Sexually transmitted diseases, poor hygiene, a forgotten tampon, vaginal yeast all these causes vaginal odour. Itching and a fishy odour from the vagina along with discharge calls for treatment. If you have persistent vaginal odour even after cleaning it up properly with water properly then it is better to seek medical help. 


Passing gas is another embarrassing health problem. According to National Institute of Health, US, an average human being passes intestinal gas 14 times a day. But some people pass more gas than usual. Gas is a byproduct of bacterial break down of undigested food that makes its way to the large intestine. The smell of gas is faint. But when there is a strong sulphur smell then you surely have a problem of food not get properly digested in the body.


Passing gas often, belching, burping and growling of stomach happens because of swallowing in too much air while you are eating or drinking. Eating too much spicy food and a lot of beans leads to passing of gas. So it is advisable to chew your food properly and not drink water or juice with a straw.

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