Pets in the House

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Sun, Jan 26, 2014  
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Having a pet does not mean that your house should be dirty and go completely to the dogs. There a certain tips you should follow to be a house proud and at the same time  be a proud pet owner.


It is necessary to potty train your pets early in life and at the same time house training them. Teach your pet how to sit, stay and listen to instruction. Like the way you train up your child, it is advisable that you teach your pets to maintain decorum in the house. Dogs are very understanding pets and they love to please their masters so they will understand what you don’t like if you say them enough number of times.


Once the dogs gain their maturity, they start feeling the need to keep their space clean. Don’t allow them to pee in all over the place. Small dogs hardly cause any damage when it comes to breaking anything in the house. But big dogs generally have the tendency accidentally break expensive artifacts in the house with a swipe of their tail.


Remember pets generally have a shedding season especially dogs, cats and to some extend rabbits. Most dogs shed twice a year. During this time your canine will shed its outer coat which will then be replaced by a new inner coat. You can find clumps of hair floating around in the house. The best way to tackle this problem is to vacuum clean the house regularly. Maintain hygienic conditions and be happy with your pets.


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