Love can keep you healthy

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Fri, Jun 8, 2012  
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Soak in love and you can feel the difference. It boosts up your immunity; fights diseases and even can lower stress. Did you know that a loving relationship with your partner helps you overcome the regular hurdles of life like dealing with a moody boss, the terrible traffic jam, rise in prices of petrol and taking all that bad behavior from acquaintances and sometimes even strangers?



Those in good relationship have fewer heart diseases as compared to those who are in a stressful relationship. Again it has been found out by scientists that love making has the power of increasing the level of immunoglobulin A. This increases your immunity and fights against diseases. Sex gives a glow to your face. So it is time to indulge in steamy sex in addition to healthy diet, exercise and sleep.



It helps you to fight cortisol. Sex releases a lot of happy hormones. These happy chemicals have a lot of positive effect on your health and seem to dispel diseases and stress causing negative chemicals. The release of oxytocin after love making evokes feeling of contentment, calmness and sense of security. Sex is a wonderful work out too ad helps in burning 85 to 200 calories.



Again sex is not the only thing that keeps marriages happy. Spending more time with each other and doing things together adds to happiness. Emotional bonding also keeps the marriages strong and happy.


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    Wednesday, June 13, 2012 navbagga

    If the sex is satisfying, it’s one part of a larger relationship, But if your sex life isn’t working, the entire relationship is vulnerable to distancing, infidelity and a breakup. Sex eases anger. When we connect physically, we cut our partners slack. But when there’s no sexual connection, you get angrier quicker. Feeling angry, you’re less likely to want sex. Before long, you’re not having it at all and the relationship frays. Over time, it will crumble. No two ways about it: Despite how overwhelmed we feel , When we are going to have to have sex to save our health, our state of mind and perhaps even our relationship. I suggest a four-Step experiment: We can have sex every time we feel stressed. Sometimes we are no sure that sex could cure our anxiety, but one must agree try. Step 1: getting started Step 2: heating up Step 3: grooving on Step 4: hooked on hookups Step 5: Finding relief

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