How You Can Help Someone Who Is Mentally Exhausted.

Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Mon, Dec 28, 2009  
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Dear friends, finding mentally exhausted people is a common place occurance today. We have the new race of computer professionals who work on the computer in mentally challenging jobs and who do get tired mentally with time. This mental exhaustion could show up in various forms like irritablity, tiredness and a feeling of being worked up. Some may also be forgetful and become too tired to exercise ones mental faculties and become less productive by nature.

However, you can help your friend or relative going through such symptoms to get mentally charged again.You need to create faith in such a person that you can help him. You could suggest to your friend or relative to take some time off and go on a short vacation to a place of natural beauty. Vacation does not mean huge expenses, but could also be in a just at home in the company of his family. Nature could help him feel refreshed after the drugery of mental work. It could also make him feel calm and collected. Even ones own garden or park nearby could help to rejuvenate him.

Spending time with family an help him catch up on news and also he could help him spend some quality time with them which he had missed when he was busy at work. It would dawn upon him that something besides mental work for some time would charge his mental batteries.

Introducing some physical activity in his daily schedule like going for a morning or evening walk would help him al;so to feel mentally charged. This sort of activity can be introduced in his daily routine also. Getting one enrolled in a gym, laughter club could make Him feel physcially active and mentally happy and charged. All these could contribute to recouping the energy lost.

Playing different games like tennis, squash as well as swimmingwould lead to mental relaxation. It is best to encourage mentally exhausted people to join clubs to play these games. In addition,  one should avoid alcohol with lunch and stop smoking to overcome stress and mental exhaustion. Both smoking and drinking only sap on one’s energy in the long run.

So dear friends, if you are mentally exhausted or have such a friend or relative do help yourself and others to be mentally relaxed and contribute efficiently in life.

I am sure all these tips would surely help a mentally exhausted person to relax and start working efficiently again.


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