How to Prevent an Heart Attack !!!

Posted by ajayk007 on Sun, Dec 6, 2015  
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Heart attack is becoming a major killer nowadays. Every 4th person in our country is suffering from High BP(Hypertension) and if not taking care in time later on succumbs to an Heart attack sooner or later. This fact gives rise to many questions –


Are we so negligent in our attitude towards Health ?


Do we really love our family ? If yes then how come we do leave them in pain after our unnatural death so soon ?


Are we just spreading the awareness and ourselves not acting on it ?


Why is Health not looked upon as a major Goal by even the most successful people in the world ?


It seems the more and more we are progressing more and more we are neglecting our own health.


Meet Uvraju. A software professional in Bengaluru. Uvraju was about to have a heart attack at 50 and somehow managed to survive, thanks to his friends and relatives. Uvraju is an oversincere professional all committed to his work. He never misses his deadlines, takes intiatives, handles issues proactively and proposes solutions to the clients. No wonder his team is very happy to work with him.  Then how come did he neglect his health ?


Well need not say the tensions and pressures of work life have caught up with Uvraju’s health. But then how come his seniors are still in a better health condition. They too have health issues but not this major.


Letz analyse Uvraju’s lifestyle a few years ago. An outstanding performer Uvraju used to be very passionate about his work. He also used to go to Gym regularly in initial days of his work. Slowly work pressures, rising expectations from clients, seniors took toll on Uvraju. He started working afterhours. Gym was given a miss frequently. Also he could not control his eating and drinking habits in late night parties. Fast food like pizza, burger became his favourite. He also ate non-veg very frequently. Soon he was overweight. He loved watching television for hours as relaxation with thoughts overcrowding his mind. He gave preference to long hours spent at work over everything. Clearly his work life was not balanced. He seldom spent time socializing with friends and relatives. Isolated that he was, he became more and more stressed. Then came his first health warning at the age of 40. In an  unplanned checkup Uvraju was detected as having high BP(Hypertension). With medications it was kept under control so need not to worry thought Uvraju. However Doctors advised him to change his lifestyle….less sitting, more regular exercise, no smoking or drinking and controlled eating. But so engrossed was Uvraju with his work hard and party harder culture that he started neglecting health. Also the relaization that he has to make His family financially independent became his major excuse for overworking.


He wanted to have regular health checkups but could not find time for it. Also he kept on repeating whatz going to happen to me I look so healthy. One day as they were holidaying in Ooty, while trekking suddenly Uvraju started feeling uneasy to breath. Back from Holidays he was in a confusion as to which good Doctor he should consult. Rumours of being overcharged by Doctors for this testing or that testing made him very cautious before consulting any Doctor. So he searched online for Doctors. Through he finalized the name of 2-3 Cardiologists after studying their profile. With the help of friends he finalized on one of the Cardiologists and decided to consult ASAP on his wife’s insistence. His stress reports showed his Cholestrol level to be on border 4.9( 5 is the border), his BP was however in control because of medications, he was highly overweight and couldn’t pass the stress test. He was advised to change his Lifestyle immediately along with supporting medications for 3 months.


Uvraju then determined to pay due attention to health. Whatz the point in earning so much if you have to spend rest of the life visiting Hospitals, he thought. He immediately brought a cycling machine and started enjoying 20-30 mins of cycling on his terrace at least 5 days a week. He created extra time for himself by getting up around 5.30-6 in the morning just for exercising. He first goes for a warm up walk for 15 mins followed by cycling. He also changed his eating habits, more fruits and vegetables and no fast food at all. After all he had crossed 45 and was a responsible father now. Ocasionally eating outside in marriages and few parties was his only way of freaking out on eating. Its not that his life is now totally boring sort. He enjoys little and simple pleasures of life. Happy with himself he laughs a lot, cracks jokes and spends time with his children rather than watching TV. His friends and relatives enjoy his company and every day he wakes up with a fresh mind devoid of any health burden.


Meet Uvraju, 55, a highly respectable person fully in control of his life. He has totally cut down the clutter in his life. No more taking overly interests in politics, no more passing unnecessary comments on each and every other topic. After all to be interested in politics one should be a political leader and then play active politics he thought. Instead he spends time reading good books and working upon himself to become a better human being. No more checking and sending whatz App messages very frequently nor spending time checking emails (work related) at home.


He is now planning to become a role model for his family as far as health is concerned. Health along with spiritualism has become his major Goal. He now appeals to his stakeholders as a balanced all rounded personality.


Hope this article tries to answer most of the questions raised at the start of it.


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