How to Keep Looking Younger till 60 ?

Posted by ajayk007 on Sun, Dec 6, 2015  
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Ageing is a natural phenomenon. All species on this earth are prone to it. But Most of us never want to look older. What fun life would be if we never look older with growing age. Especially females would love this. But even males like to look youngof and dashing forever. Who won’t like to ? Actors generally look younger in their movies even in the later half of life though it might be because of makeup. There’s a grain of truth though here. Actors enjoy so much love and affection and that might be helping them in looking younger. But in real life Ageing does reflects itself on our looks. Still around us we can find that some human beings look young even at an age of 60 while others look as old as 75  at the age of 60.  Got me thinking …..What can be  the reason behind this ?


We have to face different challenges in our life time to time. It starts from our childhood. First we have to get good marks in school, then a good job with good pay package, then timely promotions, then bringing up children properly etc etc. All this results into tensions in us which starts showing after 45 on our face. Ok we do have our own satisfactions and dissatisfactions in all these but no escaping from looking old after 50. Then how come some people manage to look young even at 60. Right from our upbringing we are given good nutrition food. We all consume proper diet, live hygienic and undergo treatment from time to time then why is the difference ? Partly its due to their genes and partly due to their attitude towards life.


It all depends on whatz our attitude towards Life ? Study has revealed that those who remain calm in the most adverse of situations, proactively deal with problems of life and stay happy look considerably younger at later ages. There’s a saying of all times – Constructing your own house all by yourself will leave you aged by years. It clearly implies that the more the tensions, pressures in life faster will be ageing. Agreed all these is beyond our control  but dealing with them is within our control.


Stop Worrying and start Living !!! Most of us get into worry habits and think the same repeated worry thoughts daily. Those fearful thoughts may never become reality but we keep on repeating one fearful thought after another in our mind. This kills our creativity and intelligence. Thatz why most of the elderly people have poor memory and are unable to read even a page. Instead we should replace such worry habits with innovative and creative thinking. We should stay informative and spend at least an hour daily learning something new. Learning is the best weapon against ageing. Spending time with children, increasing Savings from an early age so that we are not fretting about finances at an older age are really good habits.


Spiritualism is another good weapon against ageing. It teaches us to remain calm, cool and satisfied and to worry less.


There are similar such things like love, staying fair to others etc that one should bank upon to live an younger life. There are so many people visiting the Dermatologists and Cosmetologists and getting cheated. Before visiting Please check out their profiles on our website . You can even book appointments if you want.


These are all on the positive side of life. On the negative side we may have to deal with a shouting boss, a criticizing or nagging wife, insults or negative remarks from our near and dear ones. It seems majority of the people in this world are perfect and never want to loose a single chance of finding fault with things or others. Really bold are those who build their monuments with the stones thrown at them. We all at some time or other have to face this. It really requires tremendous will power and confidence to remain calm and polite and  forgive this negativity in others. Better would be such nasty people should look within and cure themselves so happy souls like us can enjoy their lives peacefully. We either look at Mother Teresa or at Mahatma Gandhi or  Sachin Tendulkar etc and really adore them. But have we taken notice of the hard work or efforts put in by our own neighbour or a friend or anyone known to us and sincerely appreciated him. How much positivity a sincere appreciation spreads without costing us a single pie. Still we always give preference to finding faults than appreciating. Agreed its sometimes really needed to give a negative feedback to a person for his own betterment but have you ever analysed that its your negative feedback or its your encouragement that brings him up. We all have got educated and well polished but yet behave like an illiterate on this front.


To talk about antiageing and not to mention a word about happiness will be deceptive. Yes its true Happiness within us that keeps us young always. But the road to this true happiness has been lost in this materialistic and pleasure saavy world. People have money that they spend to enjoy all the pleasures in this world still it keeps them void of happiness within. Below are some points that will lead you to connect with your happy self very often –


Be totally committed and dynamic in all that you do.


Take money as resource to be earned with ethics and to be shared with maximum people.


Sincerely appreciate others and be lavish and generous in your praise.


Instead of just me and my family it should be me, my family, Society and my Nation.


Take care of your health. Exercise at least 20 mins 5 days a week.


Rise above mediocrity. Take to longer routes and no shortcuts in shining in the eyes of others.


Stay calm and positive most of the times.


Spend an hour daily reading a good book.


Say no to smoking and drinking.


Have an impeccable character that others should look upon to follow.


If you follow even half of these you will definitely lead an happy and younger life.


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