How Third Hand Smoking Can Affect Health.

Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Sat, Jan 9, 2010  
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 Most of us know about the ill effects of first hand and second hand smoking and are into carrying on propagation against the ill effects of smoking. Maybe the ill effects of third hand may be something new to many of us. However I would like to tell all my friends here that it is equally important like first hand and second hand smoking. Well third hand smoking comes from contact with the items used by the smoker like his clothing, hair, carpet or even the room used by the smoker. Third hand smoking can also be witnessed in the spouse of smoker. Recent research has found out that third hand smoke is as harmful as first hand and second hand smoking and it is best for any person to avoid it’s action by taking a prompt action of giving up the habit of smoking for his own selfish needs.


Dear friends, smoking does affect the health of the smoker and his family and friends. Some smokers assume that if they open the window of the room or put on the fan they can get rid of the harmful smoke. There are still some others who assume it is not harmful if one smokes in the outdoors. But I should say all these are just lame excuses because the pollution of the environment and things lying around does carry residues of the harmful smoke that can affect people around. I would just like to mention here a relative of mine who lead a pure life following health habits who was affected with lung cancer a gift from her husband who was a chain smoker.  She suffered the consequences of the disease and is not with us with all her family wishing for a peaceful death in the dusk of her life.


Well third hand smoke is the invisible smoke or toxic gases and particles that exist on the smokers clothes, hair and belongings long after he has smoked. You may find it in all his belongings like the sofa he sat on, the cushions and pillow and also his bedding. This third hand smoke could also affect people traveling in the same elevator as the smoker or who uses the room used by the smoker to smoke I am sure you all would realize there is no control to what could pass on the harmful third hand smoke to us. Here I would like to appeal to smokers that you could affect anyone from a crawling baby to a full-grown adult. I appeal to smokers and ask if they would not love to protect their loving family and friends from this ill-effects of third hand smoking.


Studies have proved that third hand smoke contains harmful gases like hydrogen cyanide used to prepare chemical weapons, butane that is used in lighter fluid, arsenic, lead carbon mono oxide and polonium –210. In addition it also contains radioactive carcinogen that is used to murder people.


Hence I appeal to my smoker friends to take steps to stop smoking. I so agree it is a very tough proposition, but I am sure you can set up a strong will by considering the harm you are creating for your near and dear. Do find out and take help of   anonymous centers, smoking patches, de-addiction centers and other aids like electronic cigarettes to slowly reduce your dependence on nicotine.


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