Fabulous Foot Fixers

Posted by Lachmi Deb Roy on Sun, Dec 23, 2012  
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Sea Salts: Once a week take time to de-puff and polish away flakes from your knee down, with a lovely sea salt glow. It will also relieve those tired, swollen feet. Afterwards you could relax your feet, with a massage roller. An old belan works just as well.


Foot Spray: Heal the heels with a refreshing foot spray. Look for a product containing calendula, which is especially soothing for feet.


Creams: Enjoy no sweat days with a cooling anti-fungal cream. For the extra fresh feeling, get a product with mint in it. It is beast to move around in sneakers or some covered foot wear.


Balms and Oils: Can’t wear open-heeled shoes because of unsightly cracked heels? Invest in good quality foot balm. This is especially beneficial for dry skin. If you are lucky enough to a tub add a few drops of essential oils to your bath water.


Mask: Masks are not just for faces. Treat your feet to a hydrating, thirst-quenching clay mask. The most feel good ones contain moisture- rich shea butter and avocado. Check out a good cosmetic store for Boot Instant Hydration Foot Butter, which gives you total pampering experience. Or if you have sensitive skin and a shallow pocket go for grated cucumber and gram flour pack.


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