Easy Ways to Deal with Migraine

Posted by Krishna Bora on Thu, Dec 12, 2013  
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Migraine is one of the most troublesome and irritating feeling of the world, only the person who is suffering could know the pain and irritation of migraine. But are pills the only way to get rid of them. Here I share few tips that you might have not known, which are known to cure migraine:




Acupuncture is one of the famous remedies to cure pain, and so does it cures your migraines. It is a therapy where small needles are inserted inside your skin in specific parts of the body.




In a study done in 2006, it was found that migraines can be cured with message therapy too. It could help reducing stress and headaches.




Studies suggest that taking Vitamin B2 may reduce the frequency of migraines and headaches. But it is important to talk to a doctor before taking such a step.




Sounds weird, but cardio workouts help to reduce headaches during migraine. A cardio-routine for around three times a week could help you reduce the severity of your headaches.


Diet Changes:


Certain foods are the reason to trigger migraine in certain people. Some of such foods are alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, cured or processed meats, aged cheese, dairy products to name a few. Keeping track of what relieves you from the pain, and what causes it could help you to plan your diet accordingly.


Herbal Remedies:


Herbal remedies are also a good way to reduce migraine headaches. Herbal teas like chamomile green tea, mint green tea helps to heal your migraine.


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