Can Vitamin D Deficiency Increase the Spread of COVID-19 Pandemic

Posted by Sabiha Banu S on Sun, Jul 4, 2021  
No of Views(4491)

What is Vitamin D? Is it that Important for Human's Body?

Vitamin D is one of the oldest hormones that is synthesised in the body that are exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D is critically important for the maintenance of a healthy skeleton from birth until death.

Vitamin D synthesised in the skin requires 2 successive hydroxylations to become active. One in the liver to form 25-hydroxy vitamin D and then in the kidney to form 1,25 dihyroxy vitamin D. The active form is necessary to maintain calcium homeostasis and good immune responses.

Vitamin D deficiency causes bone resorption, oteoporosis, fractures and impedes good immune function. There is good evidence studies that shows vitamin D deficiency contributes to the seasonal increase of viral infections of the respiratory tract, from the common cold to influenza, and now possibly also COVID -19. Therefore, the need for  VitaminD supplementation  of 4000IU Is justified. It is conceivable that vitamin D adequacy denies the virus easy footholds and thereby slows spreading of the contagion. There needs to be a better appreciation of the importance of vitamin D for overall health and well being.


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