Boost the nutrient power in your chocolates, tomatoes, carrots, yellow corn and garlic

Posted by Hannah Punitha on Fri, Oct 18, 2013  
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Boost the nutrient power in your chocolates, tomatoes, carrots, yellow corn and garlic 

Here are some magic but simple steps


Go for dark chocolate over other kinds


Innumerable studies have shown that dark chocolate can lower bad cholesterol, decrease blood pressure and aid in weight loss. In a study volunteers who ate 99g of dark chocolate every day for a week raised their good cholesterol by 9%.Vow that is a tempting proposal to lose your bad cholesterol isn t it? Great go ahead!


Have canned tomatoes or ketchup instead of fresh ones


The most nutrient tomatoes are in your ketchup and sauces! Your tomoato puree and sauce are incredibly rich in lycopene-a carotenoid correlated with decreased levels of cancer, cardio vascular disease and macular degenartion.

If its carrots cook them whole!


If carrots are'nt chopped before they are cooked they retain 25% more of falcarinol a cancer fighting compound. And that is good news isn't it? Sliced carrots allow more of the nutrients to be released into the cooking water. Cooked carrots are more nutritious than raw ones and heating them helps the body to absorb more of beta carotene.


The more yellow your corn is the more you get your daily requirement of Vitamin A


You get none of Vitamin A from white corn whereas you get 7% of your daily requirement of Vitamin A from yellow corn. Add chilli pepper to your corn dish.This combination helps your digestion. This simple indigestion remedy has been widely used in Mexico for generations says Luis the chef at Tacombi, a restaurant in New York City.


Dice garlic and let it rest!


Dice garlic and let it sit on the cutting board for 10 minutes or even if it is mashed, pressed or chopped allow it to be on the cutting board for 10 minutes. This will maximize the powerful medicinal qualities of garlic which has cancer fighting compounds, anti- oxidants and vitamin C.


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