

med101 - MedBlogs

Total No of MedBlogs : (3)

Pde5 cialis might relieve urinary tract symptoms

  I am writing a report on the effects the PDE5 inhibitor Cialis has on men who suffer from Urinary Tract Infection also known as UTI. I   wanted to post a little about it to get s...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by med101 on Sat, Sep 19, 2009   (20255)

What is urology and a urologist?

Since my goal is to become a Urologist I wanted to give everyione   some insight on what Urology is exactly. I am sure most of you already   know what it is but for those who do ...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by med101 on Thu, Sep 17, 2009   (5180)

My first blog post

Hi Everyone, My name is Eric and  I am currently a medical student and have been reading this website for a few weeks now. As a matter of fact has giving me allot of usefull inf...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by med101 on Wed, Sep 16, 2009   (5317)

What is urology and a urologist?

Since my goal is to become a Urologist I wanted to give everyione   some insight on what Urology is exactly. I am sure most of you already   know what it is but for those who do ...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by med101 on Thu, Sep 17, 2009   (5180)

Pde5 cialis might relieve urinary tract symptoms

  I am writing a report on the effects the PDE5 inhibitor Cialis has on men who suffer from Urinary Tract Infection also known as UTI. I   wanted to post a little about it to get s...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by med101 on Sat, Sep 19, 2009   (20255)

My first blog post

Hi Everyone, My name is Eric and  I am currently a medical student and have been reading this website for a few weeks now. As a matter of fact has giving me allot of usefull inf...Read More
facebook Twitter Posted by med101 on Wed, Sep 16, 2009   (5317)

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