Five Best Ways to Cure Premature Ejaculation without Medicines

Posted by Ashok Koparday on Sun, Dec 9, 2012  
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Five Best Ways to Cure Premature Ejaculation without Medicines

Below are five useful methods given by Sex Therapist to delay Premature Ejaculation without having to use any medicine or spray.

(Note: There are effective medicines to treat premature ejaculation, but they are not discussed here.)

 I Use a Condom

Use a condom. It delays ejaculation for some people.

II Increase Frequency of Sex

Do sex more often than you are doing now. Coming quickly, called as Premature Ejaculation, is an early orgasmic response mainly due to heightened sexual excitement. High sexual excitement is a good sign. Let us see how to use this to delay ejaculation.

  1. Do Sex More Often: In order to avoid embarrassment most people with Premature Ejaculation do sexual intercourse less often. If you postpone sex the sexual excitement keeps building and the next sex inevitably results in quick discharge. Instead, do sex more often. It means when you are sexually aroused go ahead with sex and don't postpone it. "What if I come quickly?" Never mind. It may happen on few initial occasions. It is not a crime. With more frequent sex the sexual excitement physiologically becomes less and ejaculation gets delayed.
  2. Masturbate before Sexual Intercourse: Another method is to masturbate before sexual intercourse. An alternative to this is after first sexual intercourse wait for some time, stay confident and repeat sexual intercourse for the second time. When you do sex for the second and the third consecutive time ejaculation is considerably delayed.
  3. Insert Penis at Right Time: Those who ejaculate quickly tend to insert penis quickly without much foreplay for the fear of getting aroused too much and discharging semen before insertion. Instead spend good time in foreplay until she is ready and signals you to insert. By doing this you have aroused her so much that she is ready for orgasm and you are still able to keep up with your thrusting. This makes you feel that you are a good lover. This is true because women get greater sexual pleasure on caressing and kissing on the skin, which is one of the important sex organs.

III Strengthening the Pelvic Floor Muscles

Pelvic floor muscle exercise, like the Kegel's exercise, strengthens the muscles of the perineum. The pubococcygeus muscle (PC muscle) strengthening has to be practiced for months (at least three months). This requires patience. How to strengthen PC muscles? Read the methods given below.

Method One: Contract the anal sphincter as you would do when you have urgent urge to defecate, but toilet is not available and you have to hold. Relax and contract anal sphincter ten to thirty times twice a day.

Method Two: Another method is to stop the urine flow mid stream, then immediately restart flow. Stop and restart three times every time you pass urine. 

Like the orchestra, which plays in the background and adds melody to the singer's voice, PC muscles play in the background and strengthening them can delay ejaculation.   

IV Do Not Have Unrealistic Expectations

Please do not have unrealistic expectations from yourself. Know that the normal time from insertion to ejaculation (Intra vaginal Ejaculation Latency Time) is only 60 seconds to 180 seconds. At times the same person may ejaculate within one minute or may last longer than three minutes. Sexual thrusting does not go on and on as is shown in porn movies.

V Three Precious Tips to Get and Give More Sexual Satisfaction for Person having Premature Ejaculation.

  1. Don't depend upon the penis exclusively. To give ultimate sexual satisfaction a skilled lover knows how to use hands and mouth. Maximum sexual sensory nerve endings are around the clitoris. Do you know that stimulation of the vulva can bring her to orgasm even without insertion of penis? The inside of the vagina has relatively poor sensory innervations. Knowing this relieves you of performance pressure and your ejaculation is delayed.
  2. Don't Disengage (Un-couple). Another mistake a disheartened lover does is he disengages himself as soon as he ejaculates. Don't do this. Even after you ejaculate stay in the same sexual position and do rubbing action instead of thrusting action. She elevates her pelvis and the friction with your pubic bone is enough to heighten her sexual pleasure and bring her to climax. If you disengage as soon as you ejaculate she feels the sexual act is incomplete.
  3. After Play. A person who believes he has Premature Ejaculation is concerned that he is not able to satisfy his partner. Please know that only one third of times women get orgasm during penis in vagina sexual intercourse. Hence, foreplay is important. You can continue stimulating her with your fingers and mouth even after you ejaculate. This is called after play.

Summary of How to Delay Ejaculation without Medicines

It is very important to know that we cannot do sexual intercourse for as long a time as is shown in porn films. Rather than measure the time, it is better to focus on pleasure all the time. This makes you an excellent lover.



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