Mutually Supportive Relationships Promote Good Mental And Emotional Health.

Posted by Nirmala Subramanian on Fri, Apr 9, 2010  
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There is a lot of talk about mental and physical health in the present decade and everyone is trying to take steps to improve in this direction by doing exercise, relaxation techniques and attending personality development classes. However it is to be well-understood that these aspects do not only contribute to good emotional and mental health, but there is a need to have mutually supportive relationships also. Yes, human beings are social by nature and cannot live a life of isolation and crave for good fruitful companionship also. Here are some tips that help in building mutually supportive relationships.


The first tip in this direction is to get off the computer and TV screen, and get into direct interactions with people around you. You do need human contacts and the virtual screen should not replace your real life interactions and relationships.  There is every need to form mutually supportive relationships with people around you.  Just go to have that one-to-one chat with people whom you like and those who are positive and interested in you. You will sure be able to offer companionship and support to each other, which would be mutually supportive and help promote good mental and emotional health.



The next tip is that one should learn the art of giving to others just like one feels good to receive. Yes, your life is precious and could help bring good to others. The pleasure and satisfaction you derive by giving to others is real great and you are sure to feel enriched and good. Giving to others could take the form of volunteering for social work like visits to destitute homes, senior citizen homes and hospital wards of terminally ill patients. You could enrich their lives by giving empathy to their feelings, and offering positive thoughts for a good positive quality life. Yes this relationship is sure to be mutually supporting as you are bound to feel good about yourself.



Besides charity plays a vital role in promoting your mental and emotional health. You are right, charity gives a feeling of plenty to the person who gives and a feeling of being wanted by the person who receives. Besides it builds goodwill in the mind of the receiver also. Volunteering in charity services like charity shows and volunteering to donate on important occasions in the year like festivals, birthdays and wedding and death anniversaries help to promote mental and emotional health and builds mutually supportive relationships.



Take the step to form mutually supportive relationships by joining social networking groups. These groups could be special interest groups and groups sharing common or complimentary interests. The contact with people of same interests helps to share ideas and interests and also share mutually supportive concerns. These socially accepted networks help you in exploring and expanding oneself emotionally and mentally too.  


To conclude, dear friends I am sure you all would be able to form mutually supportive relationships that could contribute to yours and everyone’s mental and emotional health and growth. 


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